【新加坡】這次飛機從馬爾地夫到新加坡居然才四個多小時✈️ 才剛闔眼沒多久就降落,一下飛機直衝機場內的躺椅區希望補個眠😴
誰知道機場像是冷氣不需要能源似的😑 冷到首先我是把美腿襪穿上,之後是把兩條快乾浴巾批在身上,還是會突然冷醒😅 就這樣從六點昏睡到早上九點半,是時候該找吃的😆
新加坡目前是大好晴天☀️ 等下無聊想說參加機場轉機免費導覽🚌 結果天氣預測居然是雷陣雨⛈️ 喔~ 拜託雨不要跟著我一路回到澳洲啊 😆 #十六小時轉機真的好痛苦 #想睡覺 #以後睡機場記得帶外套 #流水帳日記
The flight from Maldives to Singapore arrived half hour early ✈️ Barely got any sleep on the plane so we went to the snooze area in Singapore Airport to get some rest 😴
The air-conditioning was so cold though 🤒 Put on every possible layer I have but still get awaken by the chill randomly😵
Going to do a free transit tour after lunch, hopefully it won't rain⛈️ Otherwise I really have the shittest luck with weather this holiday 😆 #singapore #transit #layover
十六小時轉機真的好痛苦 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的最佳解答
【新加坡】這次飛機從馬爾地夫到新加坡居然才四個多小時✈️ 才剛闔眼沒多久就降落,一下飛機直衝機場內的躺椅區希望補個眠😴
誰知道機場像是冷氣不需要能源似的😑 冷到首先我是把美腿襪穿上,之後是把兩條快乾浴巾批在身上,還是會突然冷醒😅 就這樣從六點昏睡到早上九點半,是時候該找吃的😆
新加坡目前是大好晴天☀️ 等下無聊想說參加機場轉機免費導覽🚌 結果天氣預測居然是雷陣雨⛈️ 喔~ 拜託雨不要跟著我一路回到澳洲啊 😆 #十六小時轉機真的好痛苦 #想睡覺 #以後睡機場記得帶外套 #流水帳日記
The flight from Maldives to Singapore arrived half hour early ✈️ Barely got any sleep on the plane so we went to the snooze area in Singapore Airport to get some rest 😴
The air-conditioning was so cold though 🤒 Put on every possible layer I have but still get awaken by the chill randomly😵
Going to do a free transit tour after lunch, hopefully it won't rain⛈️ Otherwise I really have the shittest luck with weather this holiday 😆 #singapore #transit #layover