不論何種理由令你喜歡上野外活動,當日夕置身自然之間,將無可避免遇上各種倫理問題 — 什麼該做、不該做?
(For English, please scroll down.)
11月12日漁護署修路工作坊第二天!#麥理浩徑第4段 #馬鞍山昂平段
由於天雨的關係,山徑維修未能於原定的計劃 (即當日) 完成,這幾天漁護署的師父們需要趕修為這個星期五六日的毅行者活動作最後準備!所以請大家於活動當日高抬貴腳盡量在規劃了的路線行進,多謝合作!
#樂施毅行者 #OxfamTrailwalker
#綠惜地球 #TheGreenEarth
12 Nov, second day of AFCD’s trail workshop #MacLehoseTrailSection4 #MaOnShanOnPing
Fearless to the cruel downpour! The great passion of committed volunteers working diligently under such crazy weather proves how eager the public desires to get involved with building natural trails in Hong Kong! By following the guidance and instructions of trail experts from Taiwan Thousand Miles Trail Association (#tmitrail) as well as the country park officers, everyone got to experience a vivid conversation with trails through understanding the design and planning of walk path and water runways, as well as the ragged hands-on stonework. It’s simply an interaction between the nature and us humans!
It’s exciting and encouraging to see AFCD’s continuous effort in handling various problematic issues actively and taking opinions from different interest parties seriously. Throughout the past year, they not only organised academic seminars and deployed more experimental workshops for the general public, but also started professional training in relation to building natural trails for internal staff from executive to management level. We really look forward to more of that and to engage it with more people! Let’s practice “Save our own trails” for real!
Friendly reminder:
The repairing work wasn’t finished that day as planned due to the heavy rain. Country park officers are now in rush to complete what is left behind in a few day’s time for the coming Oxfam Trailwalker event on this Friday-Sunday. Please be considerate and walk on the designated walk path while passing by this new-born section during the event, thanks for cooperating!
Extra green info on Green Trailwalker handbook by The Green Earth:
台灣千里步道協會特別指導 在 千里步道- 首頁 - Facebook 的推薦與評價
每筆訂單,晨星出版將捐款10%予台灣千里步道協會, 作為推動手作步道理念基金!」 晨星得獎生態書展,歡迎大家共襄盛舉。 展讀~每一本晨星生態得獎好書,帶你走訪 ... ... <看更多>