美國智庫「資訊科技與創新基金會」(ITIF)的全球創新政策副總裁Stephen Ezell直言:「台灣是全球最重要的1萬4000平方英哩島嶼。」
“This is the most important 14,000-square-mile island in the world,” says Stephen Ezell, VP of global innovation policy at the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation.
美國新聞網站Axios在9日以「為何台灣遭受威脅,對科技產業是一場惡夢」Why threats to Taiwan are a nightmare for tech為題報導,台灣的半導體製造能力在全球舉足輕重,美國總統拜登應在美方的太平洋及亞洲安全和經濟策略中,將台灣置於核心。
Why it matters: Taiwan is home to 92% of the world's leading-edge chip manufacturing operations and a vital center for producing other tech components, including laptops and PC motherboards.— AXIOS