時間:1pm至5pm (明星邀請接力賽將於4pm上演!)
#凝動香港體育基金 #凝動大使 #名人接力邀請賽 #NikeHK
為迎接8月里約奧運以及慶祝本會成立4週年,我們將於7月3日(星期日)灣仔運動場舉辦「We ♥ 奧」運動會,讓基層學生、家長與其他參與者一同感受「尊重、友誼、追求卓越」的奧林匹克精神,學習體育精神的重要性。
凝動大使曹星如 Rex Tso、陳家豪 Chan Ka Ho Running page將會聯同「足球先生」 葉鴻輝 HF YAPP、凝動運動員支持者 So Yi Chun蘇伊俊 、 王蘊妮 Vanessa Mimi Wong、蕭昌鴻、馬詠茹、黃冠邦以及本會教練、基層學生及凝動團隊成員參與 「名人接力邀請賽」!
學生賽事將於下午1時開始,萬眾觸目的「名人接力邀請賽」將於下午4時舉行,歡迎各位到場觀賽打氣! 報名請到Event專頁!
日期: 2016年7月3日(星期日)
時間: 1pm至5:30pm (明星邀請接力賽將於4pm上演!)
地點: 灣仔運動場
The Rio Olympics is just around the corner! In this auspicious moment, InspiringHK is going to hold the “We ♥ Sports” Mini-Olympics in the Wan Chai Sports Ground on 3 July (Sunday). The event will see underprivileged youths, parents and guests immerse in the Olympian values of “respect, friendship and excellence” as well as sportsmanship!
The Celebrity Relay session will mark the apex of the event Underprivileged youths and our committee members will be joined by a dazzling list of people:
☆ Our ambassadors Rex Tso (World Class Boxer) and Chan Ka Ho (World Class Runner)
☆ “Mr. Football” Yapp Hung Fai
☆ IHK Athlete Supporters So Yi Chun, Vanessa Wong, Vivian Ma, Sui Cheong Hung and Rio Wong
☆ Our InspiringHK Coaches
The first session will start from 1pm, with the Celebrity Relay starting from 4pm. If you want to join and cheer for us, you are more than welcome!
Event details:
Date: 3 July (Sunday)
Time: 1pm to 5:30pm (Celebrity Relay at 4pm!)
Place: Wan Chai Sports Ground
#inspiringhk #香港凝動體育基金 #Rio2016 #sportsmanship