#我的第一次 #動作片
原來一個分幾鐘嘅動作場口係需要幾十人嘅力量再用成晚嘅時間去準備同拍攝 🙏🏻💪🏻 (當然未計時前嘅準備)
好佩服全晚畀我打同埋打我嘅 @lucasyiu91。 我只係需要拍攝夜晚呢一場,但係佢由朝頭早開始喺廢車場做死屍吊喺架車度,拍到我傍晚嚟到仲要再同我一齊做劇烈運動 🏃♂️🔫 仲要全部親身上陣冇替身㗎,犀利!💪🏻 It was so much fun fighting with you, sorry if I hit you too hard 😂🙈
好感激成個幕後團隊,特別要提到我哋嘅武術指導團隊,尤其係我嘅替身粟米🌽。 本身我自己拍劇嘅經驗已經唔算多,仲要有咁多動作場口,好多謝武術指導好細心咁樣教同埋幫我。粟米幫我做咗我覺得係成個 scene 入面最危險的動作,就係畀車撞果一下。每次睇佢哋拍嘅時候,畀車撞完再畀威也吊起,個心都離一離。Thank you and respect 🙏🏻 仲有冇替其他場口?等大家自己睇下啦 😜
本身我以為呢一場只係需要打兩下就可以跳去最尾嗰部分,所以好感恩可以有更加多發揮同埋嘗試嘅機會 🙏🏻🤗 #thankful
我知道仲有好多進步空間,我會繼續努力 💪🏻
This was my first time filming an action/combat sequence for a TV series, so there was a steep learning curve. It took a full night's worth of filming (from early evening to "early morning") with an entire team of around 50 people just to get this under 2 minute scene. Was it intense and tiring? Of course. Was it worth it? Most definitely! 👌🏻😁
我係 #卓南
#法證先鋒IV #ForensicHeroes4 #Ep20 #第一次演壞人 #呢個唔係Freeyon哥哥 #小朋友千祈唔好學 #真係有血有汗㗎 #仲有污糟水 #badboy #actor #filming #fight #combat #bts