本週Alana來到新竹的香山濕地,是北台灣最大的潮間帶濕地,不僅是候鳥的棲息地,還孕育出豐富的生態資源,而會直直走的「和尚蟹」就是其中之一,外型圓滾滾、像和尚的頭,因此被稱之為「和尚蟹」,是潮間帶特有的螃蟹。還想認識更多新竹的地方特色嗎?可別忘了鎖定本週的 Follow Alana愛遊台灣!
Have you ever seen a straight-walking crab? If not, you're about to see one for the first time!
This week Alana visits Xiangshan Wetland in Hsinchu. It's the largest intertidal wetland in northern Taiwan. It not only serves as a home to migratory birds, but also to many other creatures such as the straight-walking "monk crabs." Their name is inspired by their round, monk-head-like bodies. And they only dwell in intertidal zones. Want to learn more local features of Hsinchu? Don't forget to tune in to this week's Follow Alana!