今天跟大家分享盲旅好朋友 Taiwan Travel Worker
【Taiwan Travel Worker 首映| 見學旅工 PART1】
#把臺灣分享出去 #文末有抽獎活動
#就是要讓你看到最美的臺灣 #EnglishVersionIsBelow
🎉🎉🎉 線上首映來啦! 🎉🎉🎉
還沒看過的朋友們,今天可以好好享受這幾個月大家辛苦的嘔心瀝血之作 ─ #見學旅工宣傳紀錄片 PART1
每個社區都有屬於自己存在於臺灣島上不同的差異以及值得被看見的風采,第一部為大家獻上的是 #金門金城、#彰化鹿港、#宜蘭南澳 以及 #苗栗大湖,有充滿歷史文化的古樸小鎮以及悠閒自得的農村生活
1⃣ 首先幫我們辛苦經營的粉專按個讚
2⃣ 接著幫我們公開分享此篇貼文到你的個人動態牆上
3⃣最後幫我們「於此篇貼文底下」TAG兩位你希望一起欣賞這部影片的朋友,並留言:「寶島台灣 Taiwan Wonderland!」
㊗ 到時候會再請幸運的粉絲與小編聯繫囉!抽起來吧!
🚶♂ The project of Taiwan Travel Worker 🚶♀
Travel Workers will stay in local communities around Taiwan and finish the assigned work such as farm works, photo-shooting, chores in the grocery stores, teaching program, etc.
Finishing the project along with RTM Mission Kit, travel workers can not only learn about the culture but also grow and acquire new knowledge and skills from the tasks.
This film records a part of this project, including Jincheng township, Kinmen County, Lukang Township, Changhua County , Nan’ao Township, Yilan County and Dahu Township, Miaoli County . Hope you can see not only these journeys but the beauty of Taiwan through the film.
Let the film gives you a big feast for the eyes and takes you deep into these corners!
If you like our work, please share it! There is also an activity. If you follow the rules below, you will have chance to get one limited edition easy card.
1⃣ First, click the Like button of this fan page.
2⃣ Second, share this post on your Facebook page in public.
3⃣ Third, Tag two friends and leave a comment which is "Taiwan Wonderland" here.
We will announce 5 lucky friends at 18:00(UTC +8:00) on the 11/14.
Remarks: The organizer reserves the right to modify the activity. If there is any unclear, it will be based on the description of the organizer.
特別感謝 參與團隊
敬土豆Local Methodology 後浦泡茶間 Local Teahouse 鹿港茉莉人文環境教育中心Jasmine Humanistic Evironment Education Center 好糧代耕 - 南澳自然田 小田農創 苗栗縣大湖鄉東興國小偏鄉特色遊學中心
黃妤萱 鄭婕妤 廖琬庭 Justin Tyler Tate Harry Ho Shari Yu
特別感謝 合作單位
北門窩泊旅 Beimen WOW Poshtel 台北西門窩青年旅館 Ximen WOW Hostel瘋台北青旅 Fun Inn Taipei夾腳拖的家 FlipFlopHostel
特別感謝 經濟部中小企業處
最後,大大的感謝獻給 探索星球GoexplorePlanet 攝影團隊 及攝影師 Daniel Chang 藍岳君,謝謝你們為大家努力創作出這支影片💯
土豆星球線上看 在 土豆星球2013QR3線上看- 韓劇全集線上看 的推薦與評價
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