打個比喻:香港面對 #洪水將至,於是急建堤壩,但政府堅持,這 #堤壩要保留一些洞。
Hong Kong is rather like facing a huge flooding problem, so a dam is being built but the government insists it must leave holes in the dam.
明報| 英文English | 毛孟靜
《紐約時報》最近一則報道標題這麼說:Wuhan Coronavirus Looks Increasingly Like a Pandemic, Experts Say.
這句英文可能包含了一些生字,但若有留意新聞,估都估到Wuhan是武漢的普通話拼音;而coronavirus則由兩個字組成:corona(皇冠形狀、簡稱冠狀)+ virus(病毒);Pandemic就是比epidemic更大規模的流行性疾病。
• Pandemic:Disease occurring over a whole country or the whole world. 全國或全世界流行的(疾病)。
• Panic grips Hong Kong amidst a potentially explosive outbreak of coronavirus at the community level as the city is viewed by many as an escape route for mainland Chinese. 香港陷入恐慌:因為本市給廣泛視為大陸人的逃生門,引發了冠狀病毒在本地社區爆發的潛在危機。
面對中國大陸,林鄭政府一直拒絕全面封關,起初兩個顯而易見的理由或許是:一、北京面子問題( Beijing would loseface);二、有助停止半年多以來的香港抗爭(Helps to put a lid on the ongoing Hong Kong protests)。
• Perhaps the incomplete border closure would also help the rich and the powerful mainland Chinese flee via Hong Kong as all outgoing flights up north have been full to bursting, until mid February. 不全封關,也許亦可幫忙有財有勢的大陸人經港逃難,因為北面所有出境飛機都已爆滿至2月中。
• 香港面對一場將至的洪水,於是急建堤壩,但政府堅持,這堤壩要保留一些洞。
Hong Kong is rather like facing a huge flooding problem, so a dam is being built but the government insists it must leave holes in the dam.
• Carrie Lam is practically inviting a global ban on Hong Kong passenger arrivals!林鄭月娥變相邀請全球禁止香港旅客入境!
堤壩要保留一些洞 在 Claudia Mo/毛孟靜 Facebook 的最佳貼文
打個比喻:香港面對 #洪水將至,於是急建堤壩,但政府堅持,這 #堤壩要保留一些洞。
Hong Kong is rather like facing a huge flooding problem, so a dam is being built but the government insists it must leave holes in the dam.
明報| 英文English | 毛孟靜
《紐約時報》最近一則報道標題這麼說:Wuhan Coronavirus Looks Increasingly Like a Pandemic, Experts Say.
這句英文可能包含了一些生字,但若有留意新聞,估都估到Wuhan是武漢的普通話拼音;而coronavirus則由兩個字組成:corona(皇冠形狀、簡稱冠狀)+ virus(病毒);Pandemic就是比epidemic更大規模的流行性疾病。
• Pandemic:Disease occurring over a whole country or the whole world. 全國或全世界流行的(疾病)。
• Panic grips Hong Kong amidst a potentially explosive outbreak of coronavirus at the community level as the city is viewed by many as an escape route for mainland Chinese. 香港陷入恐慌:因為本市給廣泛視為大陸人的逃生門,引發了冠狀病毒在本地社區爆發的潛在危機。
面對中國大陸,林鄭政府一直拒絕全面封關,起初兩個顯而易見的理由或許是:一、北京面子問題( Beijing would loseface);二、有助停止半年多以來的香港抗爭(Helps to put a lid on the ongoing Hong Kong protests)。
• Perhaps the incomplete border closure would also help the rich and the powerful mainland Chinese flee via Hong Kong as all outgoing flights up north have been full to bursting, until mid February. 不全封關,也許亦可幫忙有財有勢的大陸人經港逃難,因為北面所有出境飛機都已爆滿至2月中。
• 香港面對一場將至的洪水,於是急建堤壩,但政府堅持,這堤壩要保留一些洞。
Hong Kong is rather like facing a huge flooding problem, so a dam is being built but the government insists it must leave holes in the dam.
• Carrie Lam is practically inviting a global ban on Hong Kong passenger arrivals!林鄭月娥變相邀請全球禁止香港旅客入境!
堤壩要保留一些洞 在 新假期JetSo - 西貢郊遊新熱點!40分鐘巴士團直達「東壩海蝕 ... 的推薦與評價
位於西貢糧船灣的萬宜水庫東壩,不只是觀日出的好地方,更保留著世界極罕的大規模 ... 景點之一,而上月底更開了全新的木橋步道,延伸出水面,遊人可以近觀海蝕洞! ... <看更多>