#國際戰線 【以色列人權律師發信 促當地國防部阻止Cellebrite向香港黑警提供破解手機服務】
[Urgent request towards Israeli Ministry of defence to halt the exporting of the Cellebrite company system to Hong Kong Police Forces from Israeli Human Rights Lawyers]
自去年八月遭政權起訴起,黑警以調查包圍警察總部行動為由,檢取了我和周庭 Agnes Chow Ting的手機作為證物。其後,黑警在未知會我代表律師的情況下,使用以色列軟件「Cellebrite UFED Physical Analyzer」破解了我的 iPhone XR,取得手機密碼、當中的Whatsapp和Telegram對話記錄。
就著黑警濫權侵犯個人私隱,我已向高院入稟司法覆核;同時,遠赴海外的羅冠聰 Nathan Law亦發起了「要求以色列公司停止為港警破解手機」聯署(https://bit.ly/StopPhoneHackingforChina ),促請Cellebrite在香港國安法嚴重侵犯市民人權的時候,停止成為極權幫兇,莫助長香港黑警建立情報網。
聯署發起至今,不單獲得數萬網民響應參與,以及英語傳媒廣泛報導,以色列人權律師麥克(Eitay Mack)更聯同三十多位人權領袖草撰十四頁的信件,去信以色列國防部與經濟部,要求以色列政府停止批出「Security Export License」予被視為軍民兩用產品(Dual-use Security Product)的Cellebrite,阻止這間以色列公司為香港黑警破解香港抗爭者的電子儀器,目前正在等待以色列政府回應。
有關世界各地的破解軟件公司,會否提供服務予香港黑警,而當地政府又會否批准出口該等服務,我們將會持續跟進,並在各專頁和平台跟大家匯報,但只想在此刻說明 —— 即使惡法壓境,我們總會找到空間繼續抵抗,繼續爭取世界支持香港抗爭者,莫作極權打壓的幫兇。
// As mentioned, it is clear that Cellebrite's system has become, in the specific context of Hong Kong, a dual-use security product, as defined in the Defense Export Control Law, which is used to inflict terrorism on the city's residents and to attack demonstrators and pro-democracy activists. Hence, its continued export requires a security export license from the Ministry of Defense. However, due to the severity of the situation in Hong Kong, the Israeli Director of The Defense Export Control Agency cannot approve such a security export license.
Defense Ministry officials must immediately stop the export of the Cellebrite system, which is used for infringement on privacy, deprivation of liberty and freedom of expression, and political incrimination of Hong Kong citizens under the new National Security Law, which does not meet standards of international law, and in particular the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966.
To the extent that Cellebrite has been granted a license by the Ministry of Economy (which is highly doubtful, in view of the non-functioning of the licensing and supervision mechanism there), it must be revoked for the same reasons.
As noted, a wave of sanctions on the authorities in Hong Kong and its security forces has emerged in the world, and the US has stopped defence exports to Hong Kong. It will be a great pity if Cellebrite and the Israeli Ministry of Defense drag the State of Israel into further international entanglement and embarrassment. //
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