奉俊昊今晚以《#寄生上流》拿下最佳導演,成為去年墨西哥導演艾方索柯朗後第二人以「非英語片」獲得此獎,也是繼臺灣導演李安後第二位亞裔奧斯卡最佳導演。重要的是,當時不到 5 分鐘的致詞在杜比劇院現場引起眾影人的鼓掌叫好,他先致敬影壇大師馬丁史柯西斯稱讚他的偉大,並且提到自己年輕時學電影,就是鑽研馬丁的作品,馬丁對奉俊昊的影響深入心裡。
Thank you so much. When I was young and studying cinema, there was a saying that I carved deep into my heart, which is that 'the most personal is the most creative.
That quote is from our great Martin Scorsese. When I was in school, I studied Martin Scorsese's films. Just to be nominated was a huge honor. I never thought I would win.
而後,又提到在去年坎城競逐金棕櫚,一路到奧斯卡的好敵手昆汀塔倫提諾,感謝在美國的人們不熟悉自己的作品時,昆汀總是把它們放進片單中,兩人也在台上台下隔空表達尊敬。事實上,昆汀的確非常熱愛奉俊昊的電影,此前知名電影權威媒體「IndieWire」整理了昆汀 30 部愛片,奉俊昊就以《殺人回憶》和《駭人怪物》占了昆汀榜單中的 2 部,昆汀與奉俊昊是真愛。
When people in the U.S. were not familiar with my films, Quentin always put my films on his list. He's here, thank you so much. Quentin, I love you.
最後,提及陶德菲利普斯和山姆曼德斯時,先表達其傾慕之意,更說如果影藝學院允許,希望有一台德州電鋸,能將奧斯卡獎拆成 5 個分享給這些導演。
And Todd and Sam, great directors that I admire. If the Academy allows, I would like to get a Texas chainsaw, split the award into five and share it with all of you.
Thank you. After winning best international feature, I thought I was done for the day and was ready to relax.
Thank you so much. When I was young and studying cinema, there was a saying that I carved deep into my heart, which is that 'the most personal is the most creative.'
That quote is from our great Martin Scorsese. When I was in school, I studied Martin Scorsese's films. Just to be nominated was a huge honor. I never thought I would win.
When people in the U.S. were not familiar with my films, Quentin always put my films on his list. He's here, thank you so much. Quentin, I love you.
And Todd and Sam, great directors that I admire. If the Academy allows, I would like to get a Texas chainsaw, split the award into five and share it with all of you.
Thank you. I will drink until next morning, thank you.
奉俊昊與昆汀是真愛 在 地下電影 Facebook 的最讚貼文
奉俊昊今晚以《#寄生上流》拿下最佳導演,成為去年墨西哥導演艾方索柯朗後第二人以「非英語片」獲得此獎,也是繼臺灣導演李安後第二位亞裔奧斯卡最佳導演。重要的是,當時不到 5 分鐘的致詞在杜比劇院現場引起眾影人的鼓掌叫好,他先致敬影壇大師馬丁史柯西斯稱讚他的偉大,並且提到自己年輕時學電影,就是鑽研馬丁的作品,馬丁對奉俊昊的影響深入心裡。
Thank you so much. When I was young and studying cinema, there was a saying that I carved deep into my heart, which is that 'the most personal is the most creative.
That quote is from our great Martin Scorsese. When I was in school, I studied Martin Scorsese's films. Just to be nominated was a huge honor. I never thought I would win.
而後,又提到在去年坎城競逐金棕櫚,一路到奧斯卡的好敵手昆汀塔倫提諾,感謝在美國的人們不熟悉自己的作品時,昆汀總是把它們放進片單中,兩人也在台上台下隔空表達尊敬。事實上,昆汀的確非常熱愛奉俊昊的電影,此前知名電影權威媒體「IndieWire」整理了昆汀 30 部愛片,奉俊昊就以《殺人回憶》和《駭人怪物》占了昆汀榜單中的 2 部,昆汀與奉俊昊是真愛。
When people in the U.S. were not familiar with my films, Quentin always put my films on his list. He's here, thank you so much. Quentin, I love you.
最後,提及陶德菲利普斯和山姆曼德斯時,先表達其傾慕之意,更說如果影藝學院允許,希望有一台德州電鋸,能將奧斯卡獎拆成 5 個分享給這些導演。
And Todd and Sam, great directors that I admire. If the Academy allows, I would like to get a Texas chainsaw, split the award into five and share it with all of you.
Thank you. After winning best international feature, I thought I was done for the day and was ready to relax.
Thank you so much. When I was young and studying cinema, there was a saying that I carved deep into my heart, which is that 'the most personal is the most creative.'
That quote is from our great Martin Scorsese. When I was in school, I studied Martin Scorsese's films. Just to be nominated was a huge honor. I never thought I would win.
When people in the U.S. were not familiar with my films, Quentin always put my films on his list. He's here, thank you so much. Quentin, I love you.
And Todd and Sam, great directors that I admire. If the Academy allows, I would like to get a Texas chainsaw, split the award into five and share it with all of you.
Thank you. I will drink until next morning, thank you.