[ udn.com 聯合新聞網 專欄 / UDN Column] 台灣甜點業者該如何在疫情中求生?/ How could pastry shops and bakeries in Taiwan survive COVID-19? (English below)
我在本篇文章內與大家分享過去這個月中觀察到的案例(註),值得甜點業者們參考。除了外送與宅配外,究竟還有什麼可以做?這需要 #從消費者的角度出發,重新思考 #如何滿足人們當前的需求及未來消費趨勢。
註解:文章中提到的店家與品牌案例包括 One Tree Hill Taipei、Season 敦南旗鑑店、Le Ruban Pâtisserie 法朋烘焙甜點坊、 Ephernité、Club Voilà與 Taïrroir 態芮。
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As the pandemic hits local food industry, pastry shops and bakeries seem to be impacted even harder due to the questioned capability of logistics for delicate products as well as the fact that pastries and desserts are largely undervalued in local eating habits. Nevertheless, there are always ways to turn crisis into business opportunities. Read the full article (in Chinese) to get to know more.
#yingspastryguide #yingc #covid19 #新冠肺炎 #疫情 #台灣 #三級警戒 #餐飲業 #甜點 #法式甜點 #甜點業