Cheyenne Mayor Marian Orr, from the great state of #Wyoming 🇺🇸, made her first visit to #Taiwan recently! She came to attend the 2018臺中世界花卉博覽會 Taichung World Flora Exposition 🌷 in #Cheyenne’s sister city!
#TheEqualityState #TaichungEvents
夏陽市市長Marian Orr首度訪臺,就是要來參加 2018臺中世界花卉博覽會 Taichung World Flora Exposition🌻,畢竟和臺中是姐妹市,一定要好好來走透透囉~
Welcome to Taiwan, Cheyenne Mayor Marian Orr of the State of Wyoming! This is her first visit to #Taiwan. Come to tour at 2018臺中世界花卉博覽會 Taichung World Flora Exposition and enjoy wonderful experience, cuisines, and culture with more than 30 countries! 🗺️It will definitely blaze your eyes!🤗
懷俄明州首府夏陽市市長Marian Orr首度訪臺,熱情的Marian市長一下機就大啖火龍果,馬不停蹄🏇參訪#20180臺中世界花卉博覽會,出席「臺中宣言」記者會,以及台中各大觀光景點。TECO Seattle小編隔海與Marian市長連線,讓你一起來見證她的臺灣之旅!