In Our Time: The World As Seen by Magnum Photographers 硬面,內頁部份有水跡,比較舊, 研究新聞、紀實攝影,35x25cm, 2,9Kg;HK$100 ( SOLD)
World Photography (English) Paperback,這種320 pages比較舊。HK$80,35x25cm, 1.8Kg, HK$100;
The J. Paul Getty Museum Handbook of the Photographs Collection, 14x24cm, 0.6KG. 研究攝影藝術歷史, 約8成新, HK$50;
陳復禮‧詩影凡心, 318頁, 精裝重量:3660g, 2005年10月第一版,書本近新,包套有自然磨擦跡;收藏香港沙龍大師的作品;原價:HK$680,出讓價 HK$300;
攝影大師陳復禮百歲華誕;收藏香港沙龍大師的作品;2015出版,30x18.5cm, 0.44kg, 書本近新, 出讓價 HK$100;
New York Noir: Crime Photos from the Daily News Archive;30.99 x 2.54 x 23.62 cm;160 頁;新淨, 研究新聞、紀實攝影,US$54.95,出讓價 HK$150;
AUGUST SANDER BY APERTURE MASTERS OF PHOTOGRAPHY MINT HC BOOK KÖNEMANN;極新淨, 研究紀實攝影大師作品,21 x 1 x 21 cm, 96page, 500g, ebay價約HK$303.16, 出讓價 HK$160;
Andre Kertesz BY APERTURE MASTERS OF PHOTOGRAPHY MINT HC BOOK KÖNEMANN;極新淨, 研究紀實攝影大師作品,21 x 1 x 21 cm, 96page, 500g, Amazon價約 US$40 出讓價 HK$160;
《影像香港–當代攝影展》 特刊,128pg, 21x25cm , 0.48kg;研究香港當代攝影藝術的參考資料,HK$80
《攝影畫報五十年回顧》50 Years of Photo Pictorial, 新書一樣,收集香港戰後共42位攝影師的攝影作品,為香港戰後攝影歷史作資料補充。,220mm x 240mm, 296 pages, HKD$280, 出讓價 HK$160;( SOLD)
幸福 / 向後向後, 攝影師 胡力 是著名中國當代攝影藝術家, 這書是他的當代紀實創作,相當有關中的風格 25x25x0.7cm, 66頁;出讓價 HK$100
錢萬里畫意攝影, 牛津大學出版社出版, 精裝, 1994出版,硬面精裝,研究沙龍畫意創作,書內有幾頁曾割開並貼回,頁數完整。37x26cm, 1.48kg, , 出讓價 HK$80
世界遺產 World Heritage limited edition collection, ISBN 9787503235191, 全新收藏的超級畫冊,圖書館珍藏,該畫冊珍藏版限量500冊,其外觀設計使用楠木鑲玉,使畫冊更具民族風格和國際品味。http://www.cflac.org.cn/zt/2008-08/25/content_14213805.htm
45x33x9cm, 6.7 kg, 原價 RMB 2900, 炒價 US$4,675, £ 3,700.57 https://www.abebooks.co.uk/World-Heritage-limited-edition-collection-English-Chinese/10592425783/bd 接手價 HK$1,000
影展特刊 在 Yu-Ming Huang Illustration 黃昱銘 Facebook 的最讚貼文
這讓我想到了我在2018年替Hollywood Reporter的坎城影展特刊中繪製的插畫,就是有關於人種的話題。文章標題是—— 「日籍選角導演 Ko Iwagami努力對抗『白化』的好萊屋電影。」
他在電影復仇者聯盟、死侍2、和John Wick3中不斷安插亞洲面孔的演員,他希望未來亞洲人能夠在影片中的佔比增加,甚至更多人被寫為更多重要的角色。
So... the Oscars in 2024 will have new diversity rules! The best pictures and nominees should meet some strict requirements that include people of color.
What do you think about the new rules?
This reminded me about the illustration I did for The Hollywood Reporter which is "Japanese Cast Director Ko Iwagami Is Fighting Back Against Whitewashing." The interesting article was written by Gavin J Blair in the 2018 Cannes Film Festival Special Issue.
Source from The Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/09/09/oscars-diversity-previous-winners/
My illustration for The Hollywood Reporter: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/how-kaiju-incs-ko-iwagami-is-fighting-back-whitewashing-1109452
#插畫 #插畫師 #插畫家 #Hollywood #HollywoodReporter #奧斯卡
影展特刊 在 Yu-Ming Huang Illustration 黃昱銘 Facebook 的最佳貼文
2018要結束了! 這是我今年九佳圖🤣
今年我很幸運的能夠跟我進入這行鎖定的客戶和案件合作,畫了威士忌酒標,受到 The Wall Street Journal 、 The Hollywood Reporter 和運動媒體 Bleacher Report的委託並與知名運動品牌 New Balance和中國安踏體育合作等等,都是讓我感到非常幸運的合作機會。
在2017年底錄製的 #創藝多腦河 也在2018年初順利播出,能夠被 黃子佼先生訪問也是相當難得的機會,看著電視上自己被從小就喜歡的名主持人訪問是個很不真實的感受,請各位也支持他最近才發行的個人專輯。
而在繪製Hollywood Reporter坎城影展特刊的案子時, 幸運的能結識好萊塢知名日籍選角導演也是個奇妙的經歷!
我的負能量產物Mr. Confused 插畫在今年也意外的成為加拿大知名啤酒品牌 Collective Arts Brewing的紐約限量版形象插畫,有點無心插柳的感覺🤣
今年我也終於獲選入美國西岸插畫師工會 The Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles的年度展,希望明年還能獲得更多肯定。
Here are my best nine in 2018!
This year I worked with clients and projects (branding art, label art, editorial 😍)which are all in my dream list. I am glad and grateful that I could serve for many brilliant creative directors and art directors’ ideas!
The amazing thing is I was also lucky to get on the tv talk show which was hosted by a famous host who I love since I was a kid.
Because of illustrating an article about the well known Japanese casting director for Hollywood Reporter, I got a chance to chat with this cool person through Instagram and got another personal commission from him.
To be honest, I never thought that my Mr. Confused art could be a leading art for a campaign in NYC!
There were a lot of wonderful unexpected things happened, and I am hoping everything will be better next year and work on more fantastic projects!!
Many thanks again to the significant people who appreciated my illustration and would like to hire me!
Thanks so much to the followers and nice humans who like my posts! lol
Thanks so much for all the inspirations and motivations!
#illustration #illustrator #artist #插畫 #插畫家 #插畫師