#2019聖誕節日曆精選 / Best Advent Calendars 2019 (for English, please click "see more")
聖誕節日曆又稱「#降臨節日曆」(Calendrier de l’Avent(法) / Advent Calendar(英)),最早出現在19世紀的德國路德教派。為了紀錄耶穌降臨前的日子,當時的人們會每天用粉筆在門上畫線、或每天點一支新蠟燭、掛上新的宗教畫等。後來演變為有教育意義的聖誕節日曆,例如在印有聖徒故事的背景圖上標出 24 個日期、每個日期縫上小口袋,每天打開一個,直到 12 月 24 日拼成完整的圖像;或是在上色的木盒中裝上 24 個小禮物、寫上小故事的一部份、猜一個謎語等。到了現代,不管是美妝、玩具、或是巧克力、糖果、甜點品牌等,都會製作精美無比的聖誕節日曆,以往家長會買給小朋友、現在也是很多大人會購買、搜集的商品,是歐洲聖誕季的熱門活動。
🔖 延伸閱讀:
2019 年最巧奪天工的聖誕節蛋糕:https://tinyurl.com/y6bxr4ne
Do you still remember the incredible Christmas cake (yule log / bûche de noël) creations the Parisian pastry chefs proposed for the coming Christmas? Can’t wait to have one on your Christmas dinner? Do you know there’re actually some more surprises to accompany you while counting down the days? Have a look on these gorgeous Advent calendars!
An Advent calendar is a special calendar that we use to count down the days of Advent (Latin: coming) in anticipation of Christmas. Ideally it should start from the first Sunday of Advent, which normally falls between 27th November and 3rd December, but for the reason of convenience, most Advent calendars nowadays start from 1st December and lasts 24 days till Christmas Eve. The Advent calendar was first used by German Lutherans in the 19th and 20th centuries. Traditional Advent calendars features Nativity scenes of Jesus, Saint Nicolas, or religious artworks. They come in different forms, such as fabric pockets on a background of a religious painting that reveals the entirety after 24 days, or painted wooden boxes with cubby holes filled with small objects to discover. Advent calendars in the present day have become a wonderful gift for children and adults alike each year. Brands of perfumes, makeup, toys, chocolate and confectionery, etc. would propose well-designed Advent calendars enclosing little surprises made of their signature products or featured items.
With regard to confectioneries, it is no surprise that those who propose Advent calendars are mostly chocolatiers, confiseries, or tea makers, as bonbons, chocolates, caramels, teas, etc. could conserve longer than fresh pastries. I’ve selected some of my favorite Advent calendars this year to share with you. Click on the photos and let’s have a closer look together! 👉🏻👉🏻
🔖 You might also be interested:
Best Paris Christmas cake creations this year: https://tinyurl.com/y6bxr4ne
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