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Flesh Juicer 血肉果汁機
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In May, 2016, Flesh Juicer had successfully performed their first large-scale concert, the “Flesh Temple: Built it on Brutal Taichung”, since they have started the band 10 years ago. The tickets has been “sold out” way before the concert, for this not something that you see every day in heavy metal bands in INDIE, Taiwan. Seldom have any band in Taiwan would of combined traditional religious Taiwan music with the art of metal music, yet, Flesh Juicer somehow managed to strongly combine the two element in their music production. They not only presented their performance on stage in a unique way, but also with a special hog mask on the leading vocalist, Gigo’s head, that you won’t miss, which you would only see during religious festivals in Taiwan.
Flesh Juicer formed its band in 2006, leading the style of the band with DEATHCORE and HARDCORE. And here are the members of the band, vocalist: Gigo, guitarist: ZERO, guitarist, Matt, bassist: sionC and percussionist: Evan. In 2009, they released their first EP: “A Morbid State”. In 2011, they released their second EP: “The Brutal Taichung”, an EP based on the elements of Taiwan’s traditional melody, which is something that you don’t usually hear in the style of metal music. In 2015, they released they first full album: “GIGO”. They found their ideas and elements from the traditions in Taiwan’s religious culture and funeral music, then successfully combined the traditional Taiwanese pentatonic scale with the concept of the universe. The concept and idea of the music that they have produced, is based on the melody of Taiwan’s traditional culture and the idea of exposing the secret of the universal prison, which is called the solar system. For what they are trying to let the world know is, “for what they are saying is not fictitious, they are just revealing the truth which you didn’t know in a fiction way”. In the late same year of 2015, Flesh Juicer had won the 6TH Golden INDIE Music Awards – Best Rock Album. They also have been nominated for “the Best Album Design” in the 2016 Golden Melody Awards, for its unique concept of presenting their album cover design to look like a sutras.
The style and concept of Flesh Juicer, comes from the religious culture belief of Taiwan, from the simple lifestyle in Taiwan that we normally do not pay attention to, yet, this is also the main reason why they have stand out of the crowd.
Official page(FB): https://www.facebook.com/fleshjuicer/
Official page(Weibo):http://www.weibo.com/5908902180/profile?rightmod=1&wvr=6&mod=personinfo&is_all=1
Official page(street voice): http://tw.streetvoice.com/users/fleshjuicer/
Official page(myspace): http://www.myspace.com/fleshjuicer
2009年發行首張 EP「下體潰爛 A Morbid State」,2011年發行第二張EP「粗殘台中 The Brutal Taichung」,整張風格以臺灣傳統旋律為基底出發,有別於以往的金屬風格。2015年發行第一張完整專輯「GIGO」,此專輯在傳統廟會與喪禮伴奏裡找到新思維,將台灣傳統旋律五聲音階成功和宇宙概念融合,其音樂創作以傳統文化旋律為基底,並揭露了宇宙監獄太陽系的秘密,其內容最大的概念主要要讓各位知道「我們寫的事件不是虛構,我們只是把你所不知道的事實以虛構的方式呈現給你罷了」。同年底,血肉果汁機以「GIGO」此專輯拿下了第六屆金音獎最佳搖滾專輯獎 (6TH GOLDEN INDIE MUSIC AWARD-BEST ROCK ALBUM) 。且整張以「經書概念」打造的外殼包裝,也在2016年入圍金曲獎-專輯最佳設計獎。
2019年除入圍第三十屆金曲獎最佳樂團,更獲得了全美獨立音樂獎的專輯封面設計國際大獎。成軍至今 12 年,參與大大小小的國內外音樂祭巡迴表演,一步一腳印的把台灣的希望帶出去國外,讓世界聽到屬於台灣的在地故事。
官方網頁(FB): https://www.facebook.com/fleshjuicer/
官方網頁(street voice): http://tw.streetvoice.com/users/fleshjuicer/
官方網頁(myspace): http://www.myspace.com/fleshjuicer
[email protected]
演出洽詢聯絡/Contact: [email protected] 捏捏 Belle 0978-077016
演出洽詢聯絡/Contact: [email protected] 捏捏 Belle 0978-077016