社會動盪、全球的緊張局勢持續升級,身為讀者與消費者的我們在面臨不斷湧入的資訊時,必須意識到那些在宣傳(propaganda)中刻意含糊其詞(intentional ambiguity)的情況日益加劇。
在政治場域裡,我們看到「雙言巧語」(doublespeak)正在增加,這種語言刻意掩蓋、扭曲或顛倒語意。喬治・歐威爾(George Orwell,1903-1950)於其名著《1984》中以「新語」(Newspeak)和「雙重思想」(doublethink)說明此一詞彙。 新語雖遵循著英文語法,但詞彙量卻不斷減少,原本複雜而完整的詞意不斷被簡化為既定觀點的詞語(loaded words)。社群網站的興起,助長了媒體與政治人物對「雙言巧語」的使用。例如,在政治語境中,先制的空中打擊(preemptive airstrikes)可被稱為「降溫策略」(de-escalation tactics),以為和平鋪路。又比如,有些針對特定種族的集中營(internment camps)被稱為教育與訓練中心(vocational education and training centers)。
歐威爾還創造了「雙重思想」一詞,意指受試者被迫接受兩種自相矛盾的信念是正確的。該意識形態的三個核心教義為——「戰爭即和平」(war is peace)、「自由即奴役」(freedom is slavery)以及「無知即力量」(ignorance is strength)。這些教條是否讓你聯想到世上那些極權政府(totalitarian regimes)的宣傳?
由於嚴厲的審查制度,以及相關法規的懲處機制,人們不斷發明新的詞彙來躲避演算法的審查,並以間接言語行為(indirect speech act)來表達自身觀點。在中國最廣為人知的諧音詞 (homophone) 就是——「河蟹」。「河蟹」是對中國前國家主席胡錦濤「和諧社會」倡議的一種嘲諷。該倡議試圖打壓異議,而「河蟹」的語音則近於「和諧」。起初,網民嘲諷政府的審查員藉由刪除貼文來「和諧」網路上的異議人士。最終,「被和諧」一詞遂演變為「被河蟹」,以規避政府的審查,並被許多中國的網路社群廣泛使用。
如今,以此類方式來規避審查 (evade censorship) 已變得更為普遍。按美國實驗心理學家、認知科學家兼科普作家史迪芬・平克(Steven Arthur Pinker)於2008年所指出者,間接言語行為係指人們未明確表達自身觀點,反而將其意圖隱藏在字面意義之下。在間接言語行為的脈絡中,唯有說話者才能確定其意涵(individual knowledge),而他人則須依靠前後文來仔細推敲。但若單就字面意思 (literal meaning) 來看,每個人都能輕易地理解該詞意涵(mutual knowledge)。例如,在極權政府治下,於網路上公開批評政府對公衛危機的處理不當,將引來相關法律的制裁,因為可能會被人舉報。但也可藉由讚揚「政府的行動非常有效,連死者都要感謝政府的辛勤付出」來間接表達自己的不滿。這種誇張的說法顯然與事實不符,但只有說話者知曉個中意涵,而他人只能自行揣測,這為說話者提供了一定程度的保障。因此,隨著審查制度的擴大,間接言語行為亦將蓬勃發展,以滿足自由交流與表達自身觀點的需求。
Huaxia. (2019, August 16). Full Text: Vocational Education and Training in Xinjiang. Retrieved July 04, 2020, from http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-08/16/c_138313359.htm
McManus, D. (2020, January 05). Column: Trump's Orwellian doublespeak on Iran. Retrieved July 04, 2020, from https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2020-01-05/column-trumps-orwellian-double-speak-on-iran
Minin-White, D. (2017). Political Speech, Doublespeak, And Critical-Thinking Skills In American Education.
Monitor, I. (2018, June 21). The Chinese Language as a Weapon: How China's Netizens Fight Censorship. Retrieved July 04, 2020, from https://medium.com/berkman-klein-center/the-chinese-language-as-a-weapon-how-chinas-netizens-fight-censorship-8389516ed1a6
Orwell, George (2008). 1984. Penguin Books Ltd. ISBN 978-0-14-103614-4.
Pinker, S., Nowak, M. A., & Lee, J. J. (2008). The logic of indirect speech. Proceedings of the National Academy of sciences, 105(3), 833-838.
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅EDEN KAI,也在其Youtube影片中提到,僕の日本デビュー・シングル「モノガタリ(Monogatari)」のミュージック・ビデオが完成しました。 この曲は、6月21日に発売になるアルバム『Music For You』にも収録されています。 みなさん、宜しくお願い致します! ■DOWNLOAD / ダウンロード・サイト iTunes JAPA...
「感謝meaning in english」的推薦目錄:
感謝meaning in english 在 李鼎的也不賴Leading Lee Facebook 的精選貼文
您建議在劇終「我們 路上見」(Let’s Me Again, on the road.) 應該是(Let’s Meet again, on the road)。您的建議在標準文法完全是正確的。但可以容許我為您解釋一下最終導演仍採用了我們使用「me」的想法嗎?
在接到這份翻譯的殊榮時,我是既興奮又緊張的。李鼎導演的詩意作家特質,及對角色,故事的詮釋,描寫及張力,絶對不是平舖直敘就能感受到他的初衷,他的溫度。所以,明知冒險,我還是選擇做了大膽的嘗試。我和團隊(二位ABC) 經由彼此對各自語言及文化的了解,試著把李亦捷,Ray (楊鎮)及福地佑介的個性,藉由使用語言的個性,帶入他們的對話裏。
因著「台61」而讓他們三位相遇,也延伸了之後的故事。在從最初Ray 安靜的推著重機不願打擾到海鳥的開始,第一個「me」就出現了,然後是亦捷⋯所以。
在最後,當三個人,開心但不捨地以咖啡乾杯後的分道揚鑣, 許下再見面的心願時,這是李鼎導演在影片中第二次使用「路上見」(第一次在福地祐介留給李亦捷的紙條中)(第一次我們翻譯使用的是:See you on the Road),而當第二次再度使用「路上見」並用在片尾,使用三位角色的聲音,我們覺得意義非凡,不再來自於See you on the Road的想像,決定讓中文中的詩意,翻成Let’s Me again, on the road.這讓三個角色心中無論是吶喊,低訴或是緯緯道來,我想,都是由她/他的心「me!」「 Let’s Me...」讓我,在路上再次遇見你。
很感謝李鼎導演給了我和團隊這樣美好第一次翻譯的經驗,我仍有許多需要進步的空間,也期望因著這部「我在台61」, 我們都因此有共享的公路,感動及連結。
Dear Ms. Nguyễn
Thank you so much for the comments. I am so grateful that you watched the movie and given valuable comments. Please allow me to explain the usage of “me” here ( I am responsible to translate the scripts.)
Yes, you are absolutely right on the “ Let’s MEET” again!” in most of the circumstances. But I am humbling to say that my purpose of translating the word “meet” to “me” is trying to emphasis on the willingness of “coming back on the road again” from three individual main characters. They are all cheering up for their fate to be together because of Highway 61. So I thought they would shout out loud from their hearts to say “let’s me again, on the road!” to echo the director Lee’s poetic style.
Like every language, it’s never easy to complete portrait the whole story from one to another. A simple word could have few different meaning in the culture. It’s truly my pleasure had the opportunity to translate the Chinese( or Taiwanese) story to English. There are so many beautiful words and touching moments that just can’t change words to words. And each characters has her/his personality and tones. Therefore, I try to adopt the heart of story with the understanding of English that I think it would sound most authentic for each characters. This has been an amazing experience to me, walking along with director Lee to see my country and helping to deliver the landscape, the sea breeze, the birds, the temple...and the Highway 61 to you in different language.
Thank you again for the heart of going through the Highway 61 journey with us, and share your thoughts!
Btw, it’s very nice meeting you here. Could I assume you may from Vietnam? My husband is also from Vietnam and we live in Colorado now.
Chien Yi 朱倩儀 (Chienyi Luu)
感謝meaning in english 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文
[專頁公告] 有關我對BBC記者向蔡總統提問的貼文,存在一些爭議。或許是我表達的不夠清楚,而此一事件也有其複雜性,因此經大家傳來傳去後,遂造成諸多不必要的誤解與糾紛。於此,對該貼文的疏漏表達歉意的同時,我也想藉這個機會,向大家澄清我的個人觀點,並提供具體的說明。
原本文章和影片:http://bit.ly/36QOKNP (請務必閱讀背景資料)
Thank you very much, and congratulations first, President Tsai, on tonight’s result. A few months ago, you were struggling in the polls. Many people suggest that the turnaround in your fortunes is because of the actions of China. Its threats that you mentioned tonight. Its putting of the aircraft carriers through the Taiwan Strait, the situation in Hong Kong. So my question to you is this: Do you think you have the Chinese president Xi Jinping to thank for this victory.*
have sb to thank (for sth) 對(某人)感謝
1. to say that you are grateful to someone who is responsible for something good happening. This expression is sometimes used HUMOROUSLY to mean that you are not grateful for what someone has done.
2. If you have someone to thank for something, that person is responsible or to blame for it. 由(某人)對……負責;應責怪(某人)
在長年旅居美國的生活經驗中,隨處都可聽見以雙關作為諷刺性質的幽默(my sarcasm detector is functional)。事實上,從我的回應也不難看出,我認為不恰當的地方乃在於,提問的內容及其所強調者──中國因素:
The people of Taiwan do not have General Secretary Xi Jinping to "thank" for this democratic victory. They have the sacrifices of thousands of democratic reformers and activists around the world to thank for their right to vote and the right to have their voices heard. It is unfortunate that the threats you mentioned are perceived by some as being responsible for tonight's victory.
毫無疑問,有些人並不同意我的回應。但是,若您稍加觀察,便可發現我是圍繞著「have…to thank、 對(某人)感謝」來進行回應,並提出個人觀點。別人用幽默的語氣問我 ,並不代表我不能以字面上的意涵去作正式甚至有一點俏皮的回應。當時,我若在「thank、感謝」周圍加上引號*,唸起來就會有特別的語氣,或許能更加凸顯我充分理解幽默的部分。不幸的是,我並沒有這樣做,致使許多人不理解我的本意。
由於「have sb to thank (for sth)」包含了正面與負面的意涵,而有時也會被幽默地使用。因此幾個小時後(大約凌晨2點),我開始收到一些訊息,告知我並不理解英式幽默。此時我才意識到,自己的貼文不夠明確,使得部分讀者無法理解我為文的重點。在我迅速添加了「have sb to thank (for sth)」的定義後(http://bit.ly/2NnxHv2),便未多想而上床睡覺了。第二天,我下午上班回到家後,卻看到某些針對我貼文所作的評論,認為我不僅對英式幽默缺乏理解,還錯誤地翻譯了該問句。以下,我將對兩種主要的評論作出回應。
have sb to thank (for sth)
1. to say that you are grateful to someone who is responsible for something good happening. This expression is sometimes used HUMOROUSLY to mean that you are not grateful for what someone has done.
I have Phil to thank for getting me my first job.
2. If you have someone to thank for something, that person is responsible or to blame for it.
You have John to thank for this problem.
該專頁也認為我誤解了「have sb to thank (for sth)」──僅譯出「感謝」的字面義而無提供其餘意涵──此一片語。但事實上,我的貼文裡早已附上相關資訊。
在言談分析(discourse analysis)中,僅「thank you」一詞就有許多不同的解釋方式。言語的闡釋與翻譯,必須考慮到語調、肢體語言以及社會環境。我絕對不是專業的翻譯,但誠如下列連結的內容所顯示,文字媒體大多只會提供直譯──亦即「感謝」,畢竟要以短短的幾行文字來完整表達講者的意圖,並非易事。因此,絕大多數的文字報導(包含我的貼文)也附有新聞發布會的完整影片,以為讀者提供更清晰的背景與脈絡。同時,記者也會有自己的顧慮(受眾),因此文字的使用必須盡可能地言簡意賅,以與讀者產生共鳴。
I am not a professional translator by any means, but a literal translation is sometimes provided because it is immensely difficult to get across the full intent of the speaker with a few lines of text. Just the phrase "thank you" could be interpreted in diverse ways in discourse analysis. Interpretation and translation of speech require consideration of stress, body language, and social contexts. If the reporters above provided a connotative translation, the language used would be subjective as it would directly reflect what the translator believes to be the speaker's intentional meaning. Thus, a full video of the press conference was included in nearly every one of the reports to provide readers with additional context. Journalists also have pragmatic concerns (reach, readership), so the language used has to be specific, emphatic, and concise. These reasons might offer some insight into why「道謝」was used instead of a connotative translation.
感謝meaning in english 在 EDEN KAI Youtube 的最讚貼文
この曲は、6月21日に発売になるアルバム『Music For You』にも収録されています。
■DOWNLOAD / ダウンロード・サイト
iTunes JAPAN: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/-/i...
iTunes USA: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/mon...
レコチョク: http://recochoku.jp/song/S1004203778/
Mora: http://mora.jp/package/43000005/VE3WA...
Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/-/i...
LINE MUSIC: https://music.line.me/launch?target=t...
AWA: https://s.awa.fm/album/7d59a880921157...
JVC VICTOR Entertainment Artist link: http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/-/Artist/A025719.html
This is the official music video of "Monogatari", original lyrics & music by Eden Kai, is his debut single release as a J-pop artist. "Monogatari" is a Japanese word meaning 'story' or 'legend' and is the "Terrace House Aloha State" graduation song he was inspired to write on his ukulele during his stay in the Terrace House, seasons 1 & 2.
LYRICS (Japanese/English translation):
モノガタリ Monogatari
Story or Legend
見上げたらそこには Looking up over there
ステキな家がありました There was a nice house
一歩踏み込んで I took a step forward
ドアを開けて Open the door
知らない顔が5つありました And there were 5 unfamiliar faces
"今からみんなと暮らすのか” って [mentality thinking] Imagining my new life with them
思いながら While thinking
外の景色を眺めてた I stared at the views outside
全然信じられなくて I had no faith in myself
毎回強がって I put on bravado
人に合わせ続けた I've always gotten along with everyone
それから見直して But after rethinking
何度も繰り返して And repeating and repeating
本当の自分になれたよ I've become my true self
見上げたらそこには Looking up over there
ステキなアートがありました There was nice art
瞳が綺麗で Her eyes were beautiful
笑顔が好きで I liked her smile
その想像力に見とれました That imagination [of hers] fascinated me
"今からその子を誘おうか" って [mentality thinking] "Are you going to ask her out now?"
思いながら While thinking
言いたいことを必死に考えてた I was desperately thinking about what I wanted to say
勇気を出して I Took courage
時間をかけて I Took time
同じ世界を見てみた To see the same world
それから見直して But after rethinking
何度も考えて Thinking over and over
正直になれたよ I have become honest
素直になって I have become myself
たくさん経験して And experienced more
同じ時間を過ごした We have shared the same moments
感謝がしたくて I want to thank you
ありがとうが言いたくて I want to tell you that
物語は続くよ My story still continues
Eden Kai: Main vocals, Backup vocals, Ukulele, Acoustic Guitar, Percussion
© 2017 Eden Kai LLC ASCAP All Rights Reserved.
With millions of fans around the world, Eden Kai has earned his reputation as being a ukulele and guitar virtuoso, a Pop/R&B vocalist, and an accomplished actor. While many were first introduced to Eden when he joined the cast of Netflix and Fuji Television’s Terrace House: Aloha State, the young star’s success had already been years in the making. He has since gone on to make additional appearances on Terrace House: Tokyo 2019-2020, appeared on Shiro to Kiiro on Amazon Prime and has performed at the Fuji Rock Festival (the largest outdoor music festival in Japan), Nisei Week Festival in Little Tokyo, OC Japan Fair and ANA Honolulu Music Week in Waikiki. Eden’s accomplishments have earned him interviews by NBC News and The Yomiuri Shinbun (the world’s most circulated newspaper).
His most recent album, Home Sweet Home, released in 2018 and was recorded in Tokyo, Japan, produced by his music label in Japan Victor Entertainment. Three tracks from that album were featured in episodes of Netflix Japan’s Terrace House during the show’s Opening New Doors and Tokyo 2019-2020 seasons. The series also featured Eden’s instrumental compositions of “Touch the Sky” and “Feel the Earth.” “Monogatari” was his debut pop vocal single, which he wrote and performed on the show. That music, as well as Eden’s past album releases, can be heard on all major streaming services and is available for purchase on Eden’s official website, www.EdenKai.com.
In addition to working on his own music, Eden has collaborated with some of the world’s top artists and producers, including EXILE and Dream. One of his compositions was used to create “Anuenue,” a hit J-Pop single recorded and released by Dance Earth Party, which landed at #11 on the Oricon Music Charts in Japan.
Eden also recognizes the importance of using his music to help others. He has hosted several ukulele workshops in Honolulu and Japan, been the featured performer at the Waikiki Spam Jam, benefiting the largest non-profit in Hawaii that feeds the needy, and the Hawaii Food and Wine Festival from which proceeds helped local children in the community.
CONTACT(連絡): imagine@edenkai.com
CAMEO (For personal video shoutouts ビデオメッセージをご希望の方はこちらまで)https://www.cameo.com/edenkai
Let's Connect!(SNSやってますー!):
WEBSITE(WEBサイト): https://edenkai.com/
INSTAGRAM(インスタ): https://instagram.com/edenkai_official
TWITTER(ツイッター): https://twitter.com/edenkaiofficial
FACEBOOK(フェイスブック): https://www.facebook.com/EdenKaiOfficial
感謝meaning in english 在 EDEN KAI Youtube 的最佳解答
■DOWNLOAD / ダウンロード・サイト
iTunes USA: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/monogatari-single/id1208289384
iTunes JAPAN: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/-/id1200699748?app=itunes&ign-mpt=uo%3D4
レコチョク: http://recochoku.jp/song/S1004203778/
Mora: http://mora.jp/package/43000005/VE3WA-17847/
Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/-/id1200699748
LINE MUSIC: https://music.line.me/launch?target=track&item=mb00000000011f9e7b&subitem=mt000000000a725b90&cc=JP&from=tw
AWA: https://s.awa.fm/album/7d59a88092115790c641/?playtype=copy_album&t=1487084402
モノガタリ (Monogatari) Official Lyric Video
テラスハウス アロハ ステートで演奏した卒業ウクレレ ソング「モノガタリ(Monogatari)」が配信開始となります! 皆さん是非チェックしてみてください!
"Monogatari" original lyrics & music by Eden Kai is his debut single release as a J-pop artist. "Monogatari" is a Japanese word meaning 'story' or 'legend' and is the "Terrace House Aloha State" graduation song.
LYRICS: (Japanese/English)
モノガタリ Monogatari
Story or Legend
見上げたらそこには Looking up over there
ステキな家がありました There was a nice house
一歩踏み込んで I took a step forward
ドアを開けて Open the door
知らない顔が5つありました And there were 5 unfamiliar faces
"今からみんなと暮らすのか” って [mentality thinking] Imagining my new life with them
思いながら While thinking
外の景色を眺めてた I stared at the views outside
全然信じられなくて I had no faith in myself
毎回強がって I put on bravado
人に合わせ続けた I've always gotten along with everyone
それから見直して But after rethinking
何度も繰り返して And repeating and repeating
本当の自分になれたよ I've become my true self
見上げたらそこには Looking up over there
ステキなアートがありました There was nice art
瞳が綺麗で Her eyes were beautiful
笑顔が好きで I liked her smile
その想像力に見とれました That imagination [of hers] fascinated me
"今からその子を誘おうか" って [mentality thinking] "Are you going to ask her out now?"
思いながら While thinking
言いたいことを必死に考えてた I was desperately thinking about what I wanted to say
勇気を出して I Took courage
時間をかけて I Took time
同じ世界を見てみた To see the same world
それから見直して But after rethinking
何度も考えて Thinking over and over
正直になれたよ I have become honest
素直になって I have become myself
たくさん経験して And experienced more
同じ時間を過ごした We have shared the same moments
感謝がしたくて I want to thank you
ありがとうが言いたくて I want to tell you that
物語は続くよ My story still continues
Eden Kai: Main vocals, Backup vocals, Ukulele, Acoustic Guitar, Percussion
© 2017 Eden Kai LLC ASCAP All Rights Reserved.
With millions of fans around the world, Eden Kai has earned his reputation as being a ukulele and guitar virtuoso, a Pop/R&B vocalist, and an accomplished actor. While many were first introduced to Eden when he joined the cast of Netflix and Fuji Television’s Terrace House: Aloha State, the young star’s success had already been years in the making. He has since gone on to make additional appearances on Terrace House: Tokyo 2019-2020, appeared on Shiro to Kiiro on Amazon Prime and has performed at the Fuji Rock Festival (the largest outdoor music festival in Japan), Nisei Week Festival in Little Tokyo, OC Japan Fair and ANA Honolulu Music Week in Waikiki. Eden’s accomplishments have earned him interviews by NBC News and The Yomiuri Shinbun (the world’s most circulated newspaper).
His most recent album, Home Sweet Home, released in 2018 and was recorded in Tokyo, Japan, produced by his music label in Japan Victor Entertainment. Three tracks from that album were featured in episodes of Netflix Japan’s Terrace House during the show’s Opening New Doors and Tokyo 2019-2020 seasons. The series also featured Eden’s instrumental compositions of “Touch the Sky” and “Feel the Earth.” “Monogatari” was his debut pop vocal single, which he wrote and performed on the show. That music, as well as Eden’s past album releases, can be heard on all major streaming services and is available for purchase on Eden’s official website, www.EdenKai.com.
In addition to working on his own music, Eden has collaborated with some of the world’s top artists and producers, including EXILE and Dream. One of his compositions was used to create “Anuenue,” a hit J-Pop single recorded and released by Dance Earth Party, which landed at #11 on the Oricon Music Charts in Japan.
Eden also recognizes the importance of using his music to help others. He has hosted several ukulele workshops in Honolulu and Japan, been the featured performer at the Waikiki Spam Jam, benefiting the largest non-profit in Hawaii that feeds the needy, and the Hawaii Food and Wine Festival from which proceeds helped local children in the community.
CONTACT(連絡): imagine@edenkai.com
MERCH(グッズはこちらから) : http://edenkai.store
CAMEO (For personal video shoutouts ビデオメッセージをご希望の方はこちらまで)https://www.cameo.com/edenkai
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INSTAGRAM(インスタ): https://instagram.com/edenkai_official
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FACEBOOK(フェイスブック): https://www.facebook.com/EdenKaiOfficial