歷史上的今天 #TodayinHistory
你想必聽過美國的大峽谷,不過你可能不知道,大峽谷國家公園就是在將近一百年前的今天立法成立的。美國國會在1919年2月26日立法通過在亞利桑納州設立大峽谷國家公園。這個世界上最大的峽谷之一是怎麼形成的呢?它是經過數百年的時間,由科羅拉多河在亞利桑納州北部高原所切割形成的,這種過程叫作沖蝕。峽谷岩石的顏色有黑色、紅色,甚至是淡紫色、奶油色,園區面積遼闊,超過一百萬英畝。來自世界各地的遊客喜歡站在峽谷邊緣,看著眼前令人驚嘆的美景。如果你還沒有去過,不妨考慮將大峽谷國家公園加入你的旅遊清單。去過的朋友,也歡迎跟我們分享你所拍下的壯麗景色。更多有關大峽谷國家公園的資訊請見:https://www.nps.gov/grca/index.htm #DestinationUSA
You must have heard of the Grand Canyon in the United States. But you probably don’t know that on February 26, 1919, the United States Congress passed the act that established the Grand Canyon National Park in the state of Arizona. The Grand Canyon is one of the largest canyons in the world. How was it created? For millions of years, the Colorado River has cut through rock on the high plateau of northern Arizona to create the canyon. This process is called erosion. The colors of the canyon rock range from black and red to lavender and cream. The park contains more than 1 million acres. Visitors from all over the world like to stand on the edge of the great chasm and stare in awe at the amazing view before them. If you have not been there before, consider stopping by the Grand Canyon National Park next time you visit the United States. If you have been there, share your pictures in the comments below. https://www.nps.gov/grca/index.htm
拉不拉多岩怎麼去 在 拉不拉多石在台灣! - 旅遊板 | Dcard 的推薦與評價
好可愛~~~~,守護北海岸的拉不拉多,等待著遠航的主人回家,怎麼說著說著洋蔥就來了,北海岸真的很美~~~,有事沒事都很適合去走走(只要沒下雨嗚嗚) ... ... <看更多>
拉不拉多岩怎麼去 在 拉布拉多岩- Explore 的推薦與評價
拉布拉多 的後腦勺~我的天!怎麼那麼可愛啦. 在無耳茶壺山登山步道不僅可以看到超萌#狗狗岩 ,也能將絕美山海一覽無遺. #拉布拉多岩 #哈巴狗岩 #新北旅遊 #新北 ... ... <看更多>