各位久等了,我的第一本攝影集《MISTED ESSENCE》今日開放預購,並將在10月中正式上架出版,資訊如下
《MISTED ESSENCE》為台灣攝影創作者張簡長倫首部攝影集,此書將其多年作品脈絡予以編織,包含未曾發表的系列,蘊藏許多符號及語彙,希望在時空中留下詩謎。
他認為,攝影是秘密的集合體,這些秘密來自人們的記憶片段與對時空之認知,每張影像背後都藏著看不清的本質。”MISTED ESSENCE”亦可定義為「蒙上霧的本質」,概念傳達的即是那些介於現實與虛幻之間的故事,試圖藉由攝影進行一場情感環境的實驗性書寫。
《MISTED ESSENCE》 is the first photo book of Taiwan photographer and creator Robert ChangChien, collecting his previous works as well as new series, and try to create mysterious poetry in time and space by hiding semiology and metaphor behind each photo and design.
Robert majored architecture in graduated school, thus he learned engineering, design and art as an interdisciplinary creator; therefore, he’s devoted himself to create and represent photos of sense of film and story by using light and shadows from space as well as detailed expression of human.
All the dreamy and dramatic works in his book are made from the appreciation of experience of live, and research on the essence of space.
In his mind, Photography would be the aggregation of the secrets that come from memories and consideration of space-time of people. ”MISTED ESSENCE” could be also defined as the stories between reality and illusion, and Robert wanna write this concept in the emotional environment by these images.
張簡長倫 (Robert Chang Chien)畢業於成大建築所設計組碩士,現為自由影像創作者與視覺設計師,學習背景橫跨設計、工程、藝術領域,對世界充滿好奇心、擅長觀察生活細節、喜歡實驗性與對未來的想像。
曾獲美、法知名國際攝影比賽藝術、廣告、肖像多類獎項,作品常帶電影感和神秘感,歷經紐約、巴黎、柏林等地聯展展出,常見於國外藝術網站與雜誌媒體,於2015年1月曾在台灣台南舉辦「靈光之流 Flow of Aura」攝影個展。
時間:2016/10/22(六) PM7:00-9:00
空間: WUTZ
時間:2016/10/29(六) PM6:30-8:30
空間: 8又二分之一
#實體書店: 朋 丁 pon ding
#線上書店: moom bookshop
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Details · #預購網址:https://reurl.cc/e3qyR · #攝影集簡介 2017黃名毅生活工作室獨立出版「大樹下的節氣生活」攝影集,屢獲好評後,時隔兩年以「致。 · #作者簡介 · # ... ... <看更多>