【20191126 口袋日常新聞】
- 本次香港投票率高達 71 %
- 泛民主派拿到了 388 席,佔總席次的 85.9 %
- 香港人用選票訴說他們是「真正的多數」
- 這無疑打臉了之前林鄭月娥說的「沈默的多數」
“If you are willing to march or protest in the streets, which requires blood and sweat and tears, it’s much easier to walk downstairs and vote,” said one man who has taken part in the protests, and asked not to be named because of fear of official retaliation. “Even if the system is broken, we can try to use it against the government.”
➡️ 原文連結 http://bit.ly/2OCX1g8
➡️ 新聞來源 The Guardian