有香港市民指, 佢見喺地鐵站內有糾紛出現, 所以攞電話出嚟影低, 以作萬全. 有地鐵職員上前兇佢, 話喺地鐵站內不准拍攝, 逼佢交出身份證, 並呼籲該市民有必要時搵律師.
港鐵必須以相同標準告埋片中這個外國人 Nuseir Yassin, 佢有名有姓有維基好易搵, 佢不單拍片, 仲瞓埋喺地, 簡直係目無法紀、令人髮指. 否則, 所有香港市民都保留向平機會投訴的權利, 指控港鐵處事有種族歧視之嫌疑.
In Hong Kong, if the metro is delayed by more than 30 minutes, it is required to pay HK$1,000,000 to the government!!!
That's roughly USD$100k. For one 30 min delay!
Maybe that's why trains are on time....99.9% of the time. This is how the world's best metro looks like.
And maybe that's how every metro should look like.
I hate going in metros, especoally in New York. But this one was a blast to shoot.
GROUP: Nas Daily Global
P.S - Next video upload is going to be on a different time zone! 10 AM Toronto time, because it's time for Canada! Thank you Hong Kong / Asia!