人心難測,但對自然界中頑皮的 #雙原子碳 (Free C2) 來說,有穩交對象可能好一些。
他們透過專業化學技術成功合成穩定的 #單配位基雙原子碳分子「R3P→C2」,成為全球首例!🌏
雙原子碳 (Free C2) 比較不穩定,一般僅能在燭光中藍色火焰或宇宙星際中才能觀察到。相較於穩定存在的氧氣(O2)和氮氣(N2),科學家較無法掌握其化學和物理性質,並進行後續應用。
此次研究團隊僅以 #單配位基 成功合成新分子,有助未來發展碳、矽、鍺等碳族之新型態化學反應,並應用於催化反應。
#化學所 #王朝諺 #梁子輝 #雙原子碳 # dicarbon # singlephosphineligand
Our recent scientific breakthrough led by Prof. Dr. Tiow-Gan Ong (Research Fellow), Dr. Tsz-Fai Leung (Postdoctoral Research Fellow) and Mr. Ming-Chun Wu (Ph.D. graduate student) at Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica successfully presents the first straightforward way to isolated stable C2 molecule at ambient temperature as a R3P→C2 using our special custom-made bulky phosphine ligand bearing super electron-rich imidazolidin-2-iminato groups. This work is manifestation of the most state-of-the-art chemical synthesis ingenuity approach to stabilize C2. This important scientific discovery also provides chemical and electronic insights into long-standing difference of scientific interpretations over nature of C2.
🎯newsrelease: https://www.sinica.edu.tw/en/news/6758
🎯The full article: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41557-020-00579-w