【寶貝幫TV_育兒大解密】《小心「熱出病」!孩子沒防曬頭皮曬傷 急性熱掉髮險「禿光光」》
皮膚解密防曬 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文
Sun Protection Factor的簡稱,是產品對抗UVB紫外線的防護指數,將曬傷時間延後,一般人在太陽下曝曬10分鐘便會曬傷,如使用SPF15防曬霜,可將曬傷時間延後15倍(SPF15 X 10分鐘 = 150分鐘)。室內活動宜用SPF15,逛街時宜用SPF30,戶外活動時宜用SPF50。
Ultraviolet Protection Factor的簡稱,與SPF概念一樣將曬傷時間延後,一般人在太陽下曝曬10分鐘便會曬傷,如穿著UPF15衣物,可將曬傷時間延後15倍(UPF15 X 10分鐘 = 150分鐘)。不過要注意,衣物的顏色、編織密度及衣物有否沾濕對防曬功能都有影響。
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Understanding sun protection during summer
The sun during summer is exceptionally harsh. When exposed, we do not only become darker, but the ultraviolet (UV) rays that come with it will expedite aging of our skin. This is why sun protective measures are important during summer!
There are two primary methods to protect ourselves from the sun: 1. Apply sunscreen, 2. Wear sun protective clothing. Yet, how well do we understand the science behind them?
Unveiling the science behind sunscreen:
☀️UVA and UVB
There are two different types of UV rays in the sun: UVA, which contributes to premature skin aging and causes wrinkles to develop; UVB, which is responsible for causing sunburn and suntan.
The abbreviation for Sun Protection Factor; an index that measures the effectiveness of a product in blocking the UVB rays and delaying the process of getting a sunburn. An individual can get sunburnt if he or she stays under the sun for 10 minutes, but if the person uses a product with SPF 15, he or she can avoid getting sunburn for the next 150 minutes (SPF15 X 10 minutes). One should use SPF15 product for indoor activities, SPF30 for shopping trips, and SPF50 for outdoor activities in open spaces.
A protection score that measures a product’s ability to protect the skin from UVA, preventing sunburn and delaying the aging process of the skin. There are four ratings in this system, ranging from PA+ to PA++++. A product with the PA+ rating can last between 2 to 4 hours, PA++ 4 to 8 hours, PA+++ 8 hours and above, and PA++++ 16 hours and above.
Products that are thicker and gooier can clog the pores of our skin easily, so we have to choose the most suitable products according to our environment. Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before leaving the house, and reapply another layer once every 2 hours, especially when we break out in a sweat.
Sun protective clothing has also popular recently. How well do you understand it?
An abbreviation for Ultraviolet Protection Factor. The concept is more or less the same as SPF as it works by delaying the time it takes to get sunburnt. An individual can get sunburnt if he or she stays under the sun for 10 minutes, but if the person put on the sun protective clothing with UPF15, he or she could avoid getting sunburn for the next 150 minutes (UPF15 X 10 minutes). Do note that the moisture that the garment absorbs as well as its color and density would affect its sun protection properties.
Besides adopting sun protection measures, it is important to consume ingredients that are white in color to brighten the skin. This is because Chinese Medicine believes ingredients that are white in color are good for the lungs. These ingredients include lily bulb, snow fungus, Chinese yam, coix seed, atractylodes rhizome, white peony root, and poria. In addition to moistening the lungs, these ingredients can also give us a healthier complexion.
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#男 #女 #我狀態OK
皮膚解密防曬 在 邱品齊醫師幸福美肌大公開 Facebook 的最讚貼文
幸福美肌學院 方格子 vocus 部落格
協辦單位為 臉譜出版
活動方式:題目共 11 題皆為複選題
1. 當遇到寒流天氣乾冷皮膚乾裂的時候保濕產品選擇哪些劑型比較適合?
(A) 油膏 (B) 乳霜 (C) 凝凍 (D) 凝膠
2. 下列哪幾種屬於醫療器材?
(A) 飛梭雷射 (B) 水飛梭 (C) 醫洗臉 (D) 電動洗臉刷
(A) 潤絲精 B) 蜜粉 (C) 氣墊粉餅 (D) 卸妝油
(A) Niacinamide:菸鹼胺
(B) Cysteamine:半胱胺
(C) 4-n-butylresorcinol- 4:丁基間苯二酚
(D) Hydroquinone-對苯二酚
5. 下列那些狀況容易造成敏感過動肌?
(A) 過度去角質 (B) 長期不用彩妝品
(C) 過度打雷射 (D) 長期使用類固醇
(A) 氯化汞 (B) 氯化亞汞 (C) 硫化汞 (D) 氯化氨基汞
7. 下列何者「不是」正確概念?
(A) 傳明酸是合成成分並非天然成分
(B) 傳明酸可以當藥品成分也可以作為化妝品成分
(C) 傳明酸跟三氯醋酸一樣在化學分類上屬於強酸
(D) 傳明酸可以口服可以外擦也可以當注射用
8. 想成功對抗毛囊螨蟲症下列何者觀念是「錯誤」的?
(A) 該用時再用,要用要到位
(B) 用前需謹慎,用法需正確
(C) 用量需足夠,用後需追蹤
(D) 每天保養用,沒有抗藥性
9. 下列何者是「正確」觀念?
(A) 甘油是一種植物油脂
(B) 使用甘油會造成粉刺痘痘
(C) 甘油具有吸水保濕功能的成分
(D) 化妝品中常見添加甘油濃度為30%以上
10. 下列哪些狀況需要先卸妝再清潔比較好?
(A) 使用潤色性高的彩粧
(B) 使用高抗水性的防曬
(C) 使用高持效性口紅唇彩
(D) 使用高濃度維他命C精華液
11. 有關化妝品含鉛、汞的部分何者觀念「正確」?
(A) 目前台灣化妝品法規規定鉛或汞相關化合物全都屬於禁用成分
(B) 目前台灣化妝品含鉛的殘留量是10 ppm以下
(C) 目前台灣化妝品含汞的殘留量是10 ppm以下
(D) 這幾年違法化妝品中發現含鉛過量的機會比含汞高
PS: 本活動贈書寄送限台澎金馬地區,收件資料錯誤或招領逾期等收件人因素退件恕不重寄。