繪文字,是文字史上的一大突破性發明。連南華早報的名專欄作家都認為發明繪文字的人應該獲頒諾貝爾文學獎。他說他跟他老婆在短訊上的溝通,幾乎都是靠繪文字,即省時又親暱,更有助減少誤解。我絕對舉腳贊成。所以,我開會時,為了增加效率,只用兩個繪文字: 😊 同 😡,簡單易明。👍👍👍
#一Tann一點英語/ #TANNtalizingEnglish:
Emoji, the revolutionary invention in language that even prompted SCMP's renowned columnist to suggest its inventors be awarded The Nobel Prize for Literature. According to him, his text communications with his wife mainly consist of Emoji as they find it time-saving as well as endearing. Most importantly, it helps cut down on miscommunications. I AM all for it. Therefore, when I hold meetings I only use two emoticons: 😊 and 😡. I find this new way of communication extremely efficient and clear-cut. 👍👍👍