Roblox 被列為 18 歲以下玩家頂級線上娛樂平台之一。它的流行純粹是由社群推動的,每個月都有數百萬人因口耳相傳的魅力註冊登入。
Roblox 是由超過 200 萬的開發者組成的全球社群提供支援的,他們每個月都會使用 Roblox Studio 開發自己的沉浸式多人遊戲體驗。任何想像得到的體驗都可以在 Roblox 上創造出來。
從這 10 小時的課程,你會學到
✅ 深入瞭解 Lua 的程式語言,用於建立 Roblox 遊戲
✅ 複雜的程式設計概念及其應用
✅ 建立多個工具指令碼以應用到你自己的遊戲
✅ 如何運用程式讓你的玩家和物件或其他玩家物互動與更衣
✅ 建立一個基於回合( round based )遊戲迴圈與大廳( lobby )、計時器和傳送器
✅ 學習編寫生存遊戲的概念程式碼,包括增生、飢餓、重生等等
✅ 學習使用資料儲存做儲存和檢索你的玩家資料
程式語言 round 在 矽谷阿雅 Anya Cheng Facebook 的最佳解答
曾經覺得不可能的任務現在看起來雖仍是刻苦銘心,但沒有當下感覺那麼困難。下次遇到困難的時候,不妨想想「這挑戰幾年後回頭看應該也沒什麼!」You can do it!
【You are Stronger than You Thought】Stopping by Taiwan on my way to a biz trip and had a run this morning. Arrived at my go-to running place and realized that it's closed due to Universiade sport competition, so I went to the elementary school where I graduated from for the run.
Looked at the playground, I was shocked - it's so small! In my childhoood memory, the playground was giant and I thought I could never finish a round of running ever on it!
I guess is like life event - sometimes at the moment where you had a challenge and you thought you can never overcome the challenge. However, you did end up overcame it. Also, after few years when you looked back at the challenge, you realized that it was not that hard!
I can easily think of my experience in the scenarios of school exams, family arguments, teenager friendships, intern, discovering scandals when I was a reporter, graduate school admission, student loan, love, first marketing campaign, first job in the US, first time being a people manager, first time leading an app, traveling to Africa along, debating with coworkers, first time on press due to award, first presentation to CEO, and first Java class....end of day, I passed all of them.
I thought they were mission-impossible at the time, but now look back, it was not as hard as I thought at that time.
Next time when you face a challenge, remind yourselves that it will not be as hard as you thought later on, and you know you can do it!
#OvercomeChallenge #度過難關 #迎戰挑戰 #其實沒有你想得那麽難 #YouAreStrongerThanYouThougt