「Latitude Motor 經緯汽車噴油維修」為各大車主提供專業汽車美容服務,可以做各種獨特既顏色,例如幻彩色,閃爍銀,珍珠系列等等,服務範圍亦包括任何汽車噴油焗油、3D幻彩噴漆全車轉色、單車噴油、電單車噴油、廣告工程噴油、遊艇噴油翻新。
電話 / WhatsApp: 9408 8555 (馮先生)
電郵 : angeywai@gmail.com
地址 : 新蒲崗大有街8號
營業時間:星期一至六09:00 - 18:00
Facebook 專頁: Latitude Motor 經緯汽車噴油維修 / 杜雅授權施工香港店
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- 關於老爺車買賣 在 欠20多萬!控老車協會理事長不還查封4老爺車@東森新聞CH51 的評價
- 關於老爺車買賣 在 15年的老車,直接報廢還是賣給中古車商,哪一種比較好? 的評價
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【古巴 Cuba】
被偷走的時間 Stolen Time
古巴人有個笑話:「古巴唯一家電信公司是國營的,所以也是古巴最好的電信公司。」網路在這裡使用不像在其他國家那樣便利,所以來古巴有些人選擇戒網路,而另一些人則會購買網路卡片(簡稱網卡)在特定的地點或餐廳使用。雖然被告知Wifi 用完要登出網卡帳戶,不然可能會被非官方提供的網路入口店家偷走剩下的網卡時間,但我仍然因為大意而被偷走了一些時間。一如那些我被偷走的時光一樣,古巴被偷走的時光被凍結在來自舊時的街道和住宅中進退兩難。
A Cuban joke goes “the only telecom in Cuba is state owned, so it is also the best in Cuba.“ Unlike other countries, using the Internet here is not so easy. So, some travelers chose to do full Internet detox whereas others will purchase some Internet Cards that connect only at designated spots or restaurants. Even though I was told to log out after using the Card because some private hotspot providers might steal my remaining time by copying my account number and password, my time was still stolen. Like what happened to me, Cuba’s time and future has also been stolen, as is evident when strolling down its time-frozen streets with buildings from a distant past.
因為美國迫使世界其他國家對古巴禁運的關係,這裡的市街光景就像「停」(PARE)的交通標誌所暗示一般給凍結在介於50到60年代之間 。許多車子都是50年代的拉風老爺車。路上隨處可見的馬車讓我有種時空錯亂的幻覺。在Santa Clara我甚至看到了大包廂馬車當作 collectivo (黑牌共乘計程車)使用。
Because the US requires other countries comply with its embargo on Cuba, life here seems to be frozen from the period between the 1950’s and 1960’s, as suggested by the PARE/ stop sign. Many eye-catching classic cars are actually from the 50’s. The ubiquitous horse carriages create the illusion of time and space disconnect. To add to the confusion, I even saw a large horse carriage in Santa Clara being used as a collectivo, which means an unlicensed shared taxi for the locals.
Time-theft becomes unkinder in Trinidad, located in central Cuba. Due to its location being closer to other Caribbean countries, Trinidad long benefited from the slave trade to support the manpower needs of its cane sugar, coffee and tobacco industries. By the 19th century, Trinidad became the center of the cane sugar trade. With its increased demand for manpower in the burgeoning cane sugar industry, Trinidad naturally turned into a stronghold for black slave trade. Many colonizers made their fortune with time stolen from black slaves for more than 100 years. This is one of the reasons Fidel Castro led the revolution in 1953 to close the gap between the black and the white. Meanwhile, the revolution served as another way to erase social turmoil caused by the enormous gap between the rich and the poor. Such turmoil, including prostitution, drugs, gambling and violence, was a direct result of the US taking advantage of the vulnerable Cuban economy and political instability from its time as a young nation in 1901 all the way through to the attempt to overthrow Castro’s government with the infamous US-led Bay of Pigs invasion in April, 1961.
While the US government has stolen Cuba’s time, they cannot steal Cubans’ pride. Beggars can be seen in the streets, but most of them are personally clean as well as dressed in clean clothes. At one time, Cuba was sanctioned and embargoed to the point where it had little choice but to embrace communism in order to receive much needed financial aid and resources from the Soviet Union. However, Cuba has always been a true socialist nation at heart; Cuban people enjoy free education as well as free medical care, which allows them to live proudly in their time-stolen country.
在被偷走的時光中,雖然日子過的苦,但人們卻不能沒有娛樂。古巴的娛樂似乎也以一種時光倒流六七十年的狀態存在。在Viñales鎮上的主要廣場角落的Centro Cultural Polo Montañez文化中心,說明白點就是個夜店,而且是個跳舞不做作的人適合的好去處。在這裡人們盡情享受熱情的音樂混合跳著salsa, rumba和lambada。有別於現在一些台灣夜店的陰暗與萎靡,這裡在溫暖的光線下呈現的是種自然的社交娛樂,人們夜夜盡情舞出60年代的歡樂。
While Cuba’s time has been stolen, and although life can often be tough, one cannot live without entertainment and fun. Cuban entertainment seems to exist in a frozen state where the clock has been turned back 60 or 70 years. In the corner of Plaza Mayor in Viñales sits the Centro Cultural Polo Montañez. To be more specific, it is a dance club, a great place for unpretentious and carefree dancers. Here people appreciate passionate music mixed with salsa, rumba and lambada. Much different from the dark and sometimes seedy modern dance clubs in Taiwan, what prevails here is a natural way of socializing and entertaining. They dance to their heart’s content and each night recreate that happy atmosphere of the 60’s.
Here is a link to a YouTube video to see the feverish dancing at the club.
I’m not smart enough to possibly know how Cubans can get back their stolen time, nor why they continue to be punished by their big neighbor to the north. But what I can do is show you today’s Cuba as I saw it. What you, as a visitor, can also do is bring along some basic goods with you as small tokens of your appreciation for seeing Cuba and give them to the strong and beautiful souls that cross your path along the way.
#Cuba #古巴 #千里達 #聖塔克拉拉 #trinidad #旅行 #哈瓦那 #歷史
老爺車買賣 在 西班牙小婦人 Facebook 的最佳貼文
巴塞隆納活動 | 第32屆國際古董老爺車展
自1984年起,為了捍衛與促進傳統發動機的精神下,巴塞隆納每年在聖誕節前都有一場國際古董老爺車展,今年當然也不例外,且已堂堂邁入第32屆了。自12月4日起至12月7日,在西班牙廣場前的巴塞隆納會議中心八館(Fira de Barcelona)有售票展出外(15€),在廣場前方的Av. Reina Maria Cristina大道上也有大量豐富的古董老爺車展示。
#西班牙 #巴塞隆納 #古董車 #AutoRetro
老爺車買賣 在 欠20多萬!控老車協會理事長不還查封4老爺車@東森新聞CH51 的推薦與評價

... 軟體園區經典老爺車展出過程,中檢執行官到場要來查封車,原來,主辦單位 老車 協會理事長,遭指控 買賣 二手車收了錢後,買方發現車輛瑕疵反悔不買, ... ... <看更多>
老爺車買賣 在 15年的老車,直接報廢還是賣給中古車商,哪一種比較好? 的推薦與評價
15年的老車,直接報廢還是賣給中古車商,哪一種比較好? - 小弟目前的老爺車,是2002年的toyota altis,最近要換車了(還是換購中古車),請問各位大大們 ... ... <看更多>
老爺車買賣 在 台灣經典老車買賣專區老車經典老爺車古董車仿古二手中古報廢 ... 的推薦與評價
本社團為中華民國內政部登記合法社團【台灣經典老車協會】的老爺車拍賣買賣車輛專區。 目前台灣經典老車協會與其他社團聯盟結合為有近30 多萬會員人數,為台灣最大與效果最 ... ... <看更多>