Day6 - 泛音練習
#雖然超級燒腦 但累的蠻有趣的
泛音有很多種練習的方式,比如在樂曲中的某一段需要大跳時,可以把高音的部分吹做泛音,作為唇瞬間運作的練習,對音準也能起到不錯的校正作用。要更多的泛音練習可以參考 Pierre-Yves Artuad 教授出版的「泛音:法式長笛美聲的秘密」。
Harmonic Exercice: the harmonic exercice could help us to strengthen the tinny muscle around the lips, to train the delicate tone quality while playing the high pitch notes and the very piano nuance.
If we practice deeply this exercise, concentrate on making the harmonic beautifully, in the real performance, it may helps us to better control our lips when we have some kind of stage fright, helping us to keep the flute sound’s basic timbre. And it helps us to play a very piano sound.
There are many way to practice on harmonic exercises, for example: when some part of short phrase needs to jump from down to the high note, we could play the high note as harmonic to practice the accurate movements of lips. And it also works on correcting the note to the right pitch. For more information about the harmonic exercises, you may refer to the book of Prof. Pierre-Yves Artaud: “Harmoniques"
#100daysofpractice #The100DayProject #flute #myrllinpracticetime #myrllinflute #practicewithmyrllin #百日練習計畫
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