孕期來到33週,她的體重增加10K, 雖然不明顯,但是她的脂肪和書上講的一樣,累積在背部大腿和腹部較多(肌肉線條變得較不明顯)。
今天的訓練集中在上背。胎兒變大腹腔壓迫橫隔膜上移,再加上現代人多為低頭族,肩頸酸痛甚至影響到呼吸的情形在懷孕後期特別明顯。滑輪下拉,臉拉,划船的動作可以加強上背的肌肉,減少圓背,有助於產後餵奶的姿勢維持。 有別於以往的自由重量,她採用較多固定式器材,可降低懷孕後期因為重心不穩而導致的運動傷害。
I did this workout last week and I remember feeling SUPER bloated and swollen. The next day, I felt like a different person! This helped SO MUCH to increase blood flow and really feel like my back had a good workout. I felt energised and I was so proud of myself for finding the motivation to workout. I am #33weekspregnant and am really just focused on staying healthy and preparing my body for labour. I have put on a good 10kg (22lb) to protect baby and am SO glad because she is growing PERFECTLY. It was so exciting seeing her cute, little chubby cheeks in the 3D scan. I can't wait to meet her!!! www.kaylaitsines.com/app