National Center for Research on Earthquake engineering
Although this is a government organization, but as far as I know, lots of Japanese construction companies have their own earthquake research center, no wonder their earthquake engineer is far advanced to other countries. On the other hand, most of buildings in Taiwan don't construct with such concept when it was built up, which is very dangerous especially we're in the earthquake hot zone! Could urban renewal come faster? #盈盈來看厝
#說到地震就感覺好怕怕 ! 驚驚怕怕 !
#地震科學實驗室 ! 把地震搬進實驗室裡實驗 !
#台灣只有實驗報告沒有實際認證 ! 有點讓人小失望哩...
#地震實驗室你們在守護的可是生命阿 ! 生命...