關於4/8晚間 #譚德塞於記者會上發言指控台灣抹黑及涉及種族歧視等,在此嚴正反駁。
We categorically refute the allegations about racial discrimination made by Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
台灣一直以來被阻擋於 #世界衛生組織之外,影響的不僅是台灣2300萬人民健康權,甚至影響全球。台灣因未能參與 #世界衛生組織納入世界衛生的通報體系內,對全球公共衛生造成極大影響。
Taiwan has long been blocked by the World Health Organization(WHO), affecting not only the right to health of Taiwan's 23 million people, but even the world.Taiwan has failure to be included in the world's health advisory system that has a impact on global public health. Caused a serious epidemic with SARS in Taiwan in 2002 due to Taiwan has disconnect with international health information, and beside, Chinese tuberculosis cases entered Taiwan in 2018, and because the WHO used China as a window to inform Taiwan, but China did not notify Taiwan in time, resulting in cases entering Taiwan. Only processed after months.
2019年 #武漢肺炎爆發至今,身為 #世界衛生組織秘書長,未能掌握疫情並給予妥善準則,造成現今武漢肺炎造成全球疫情嚴峻,造成全球對世界衛生組織的不信任,甚至在民間發起要求撤換世界衛生組織秘書長 #譚德塞之連署。譚德塞非但不檢討反倒抹黑台灣網軍攻擊,此次記者會更指控台灣種族歧視,嚴重影響台灣名譽。
Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2019, as the Secretary-General of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus failed to grasp the epidemic situation and provide the real information, resulting in the severe global epidemic situation in COVID-19 today, causing global distrust of the, and even initiating a private request to replace the Secretary-General of the WHO. Instead of improving his mistakes, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus falsely accused Taiwan of involving racial discrimination and seriously affected Taiwan ’s reputation. Whether this speech assists the Chinese government in cracking down on Taiwan ’s contribution to the world is worth exploring.
In this statement, Taiwanese officials and the public have not evaluated Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus for race, culture or skin color. Taiwan is known as a multicultural country. Tolerance of different races and cultures is a common consensus and value of Taiwan. Even without fear of political suppression, it continues to make selfless contributions to international health care.
In this COVID-19 epidemic, Taiwan first defended own country and then spared supplies to assist other countries to fight COVID-19 together. Taiwan stand with the world. Taiwanese will stand up to defend the national reputation, and ask Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus apologizes for the statement.
請 #世界衛生組織正視全球疫情,勿讓政治犧牲全球健康權,違反世界衛生組織之宗旨。
Do not sacrifice the global health right for politics, which would violate the purpose of the WHO.
譚德塞於記者會上發言指控台灣抹黑及涉及種族歧視等 在 【中文字幕】臺灣歧視譚德塞? 譚德塞指來自臺灣的種族主義 ... 的推薦與評價
美國總統川普4月7日公開批評#世界衛生組織(WHO)以中國為中心,質疑「為何WHO給我們這麼糟糕的建議?」,WHO祕書長#譚德塞也不甘示弱,在記者會上大力 ... ... <看更多>
譚德塞於記者會上發言指控台灣抹黑及涉及種族歧視等 在 高雄好過日【醫事行動聯盟聲明稿】 關於4/8晚間... | Facebook 的推薦與評價
關於4/8晚間#譚德塞於記者會上發言指控台灣抹黑及涉及種族歧視等,在此嚴正反駁。 We categorically refute the allegations about racial discrimination made by Dr. ... <看更多>