#節目巡禮【#跨界共創童迷藝術節目 】
經歷去年 #lostchild 工作坊的一眾年輕人、藝術工作者、創作人,將在今次「動戲.童迷香港藝術計劃」中發揮不同創意,共同探尋彼此心中的lost child —— 在藝術裡,我們不求解決問題或尋找答案,但求玩轉問題,將你我他的 #lost #迷失 化作一場場藝術表演!
節目詳情: https://bit.ly/2WYjxpa
“ÉLAN Lost Child Project HK” breaks the boundaries of online
and offline, and connecting the world with a brand new creative theatrical format! Ensemble with art and professionals from various areas, we are united to respond the current moment and create our own future.
Join our community to reconnect with your inner child!
Program details: https://bit.ly/36JQKYO
#動戲童迷香港藝術計劃 #大館 #古蹟及藝術館 #要解決問題不如玩轉問題 #ÉLANLostChildProjectHK #TaiKwun #CentreforHeritageandArts #WeDonotSolveProblems #WePlayProblems
Presented by: 大館 Tai Kwun
Artistic direction and Produced by: O Theatre Workshop @Olivia Yan 甄詠蓓
Co-Creation Partner: Dream of Tomorrow
International Consultant: @David Glass Ensemble
Media Partner: 明周文化 MP Weekly MOViE MOViE
Technology Partner: #HermesLive @OpenSky.tv
Video edited by: Fai Yeung 楊文輝