#Maker X #物聯網開發系列
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vMaker 台灣自造者
About author
vMaker 台灣自造者為勞動部勞動力發展署委託MakerPRO營運之網站,志在建立一個能夠提供自造者(maker)們互相交流技術、展示、討論的場域,一方面針對國內自造者的需求提供服務,一方面積極延伸社群範圍,使「Do It With Others(DIWO)」的手作精神更為普及。
vMaker 希望讓擁有 DIY 想法的人們可以獲得更多的技術資訊,自造者可以在這裡發表個人作品,可以在這裡提出構思,最重要的,這是一個屬於自造者的社群,大家能夠在平台上交換意見與技術訊息,透過社群力量,自造者文化便由「DIY」進一步延伸成「DIWO」,讓自造者文化真正扎根。
「創意」、「創造」、「分享」,vMaker 企圖整合並解決這三個 DIWO 過程中可能遇到的困難;當然這並非一蹴可及,社群的成長與維繫正如同一個手作的過程,需要勇敢的嘗試、創意加上親身投入的覺悟,如果您有任何對 vMaker 的建議,十分歡迎與我們聯絡!
【vMaker粉絲頁和 Makerdiwo 創客窩粉絲頁已合併營運】
The vMaker website is part of the PanSci network commissioned by the Workforce Development Agency, Ministry of Labor, to establish a platform where makers can share, showcase, and discuss technology. The platform provides services to meet Taiwanese makers various needs and at the same time actively work to expand the community, spreading the idea of Do It With Others (DIWO).
vMaker aims to provide people who want to DIY with all the technical information they need. Makers are free to publish their work and propose new ideas here, because, after all, this community belongs to makers. On this platform, everybody is allowed to express their opinion and share technical information. With the power of community, maker culture will make the switch from DIY to DIWO, enabling a wider maker culture to take root.
Creativity, creation and sharing, are the three sources of potential difficulty in the DIWO process. vMaker is trying to integrate makers and overcome these difficulties, but it’s not going to happen overnight. Just like doing any handicraft, growing and maintaining a community requires courage, creativity and commitment. If you have any suggestions for vMaker, feel free to contact us!
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