#應觀眾要求, #舊文分享
甚至可以清楚的摸到鼻子眼睛 嘴巴等五關
然後我才毛骨悚然的三步併作兩步 從樓上下樓梯用跳的
問我: "唉呦!!你是怎麼了,跑這麼快!!嚇死人ㄛ!!爬樓梯用跳的很危險捏!!事發生甚麼事啦!!!??"
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過36萬的網紅にゃーにゃちゃんねるnya-nya channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,提供:『ポケモン不思議のダンジョン 救助隊DX』 ▼詳細はこちらから https://www.pokemon.co.jp/ex/dungeonDX/ ©2020 Pokémon. ©1995-2020 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc. ©1993...
「透明人 1993」的推薦目錄:
- 關於透明人 1993 在 奇可奇卡 Chico & Chica Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於透明人 1993 在 肯腦濕的人生相談室 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於透明人 1993 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於透明人 1993 在 にゃーにゃちゃんねるnya-nya channel Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於透明人 1993 在 透明人- 電影- Gimy劇迷- PttPlay線上看 的評價
- 關於透明人 1993 在 隱形人1993線上看的彩蛋和評價,PTT 的評價
- 關於透明人 1993 在 不少人都會想起2000年美國電影《透明人魔》... - 香港民間經典 ... 的評價
- 關於透明人 1993 在 透明人一部关于透明人的惊悚电影,如果你有一天可以隐形你最 ... 的評價
透明人 1993 在 肯腦濕的人生相談室 Facebook 的最佳解答
小編的 #二二八和平紀念日 隨筆✍️
台灣人對於 #德 (Democracy民主) #賽 (Science科學) 先生一定不陌生,尤其在這波 #武漢肺炎 疫情蔓延的此刻,我們更能體會 #民主、透明、人本的行政,以及 #科學、學術自由的重要性。
但今天我們享受的 #民主自由 跟 #說真話 的權利,並非從天上掉下來,而是許多人民勇敢反抗威權獨裁體制所爭取而來的。他們所遭受殘酷不當的政治迫害,或許是生活在現在的我們難以想像的😰,但即便那段用血與淚寫下的歷史,曾被刻意抹去或扭曲,我們仍然不應該忘記,反而更應秉持實事求是的科學精神,還原過去...
記述德國 #轉型正義 的《無能於哀悼》(Die Unfähigkeit zu trauern)一書,道出了「克服過去」(Vergangenheitsbewältigung) 的意義,也是我們台灣人面對「二二八事件」這段歷史時,應該賦予自己的使命與工作💪;因為唯有如此,社會才能逐步實現和解,台灣也才能在和平深厚的民主文化中,持續壯闊!
No no no... 身為走在國際線上的知識型小編🤓,就來跟大家分享幾個世界上比較有代表性的「轉型正義」案例吧~
#德國 🇩🇪「前東德社會統一黨獨裁時期歷史評價與影響研究委員會」調查1949-1989年的人權侵犯事件,聽取目擊者證詞,於1994年6月完成報告18冊,作為德國政府後續補償受害者之依據,並挹注教育與文化預算,透過正規教育及生活環境形塑,讓人民記住歷史教訓,避免悲劇重演。
#北愛爾蘭 🏳️「北愛爾蘭受害者委員會」調查過去30年戰爭中對人權的迫害事件真相,成立專門委員會平反賠償,促使對立衝突的雙方領袖,願意為改變現狀做出不一樣的決定,開啟相互理解的契機。
#美國 🇺🇸「戰時公民遭迫遷與拘留委員會」1980年由國會設置,調查1942-1945年間美國公民與移民被強迫遷移與拘禁的情況,並於1988年通過《公民自由法案》,要求政府認錯道歉,並須設立公共教育基金,向大眾宣傳以及提供受害者賠償,另保證未來不再採取類似行動。
#瓜地馬拉 🇬🇹「歷史澄清委員會」於1997-1999年間,調查過去36年來國內武裝衝突中侵犯人權的案件,最終報告命名為《瓜地馬拉:沉默記憶》,紀錄人權侵害的犧牲者 4萬多人,其中23,000多人遭受處決,6000多人被失蹤。當時軍事政變掌權者Rios Montt,在2012 年被法庭以種族滅絕和反人類兩罪正式指控,2013年被判處合計80年徒刑。
#薩爾瓦多 🇸🇻「薩爾瓦多真相委員會」,資金由聯合國會員國募集和管理,調查1980年代以來22,000宗處死、凌虐與綁架案。1993年在美國發表調查報告《從瘋狂到希望:薩爾瓦多12年的戰爭》,最後有2000名證人出面提出直接證據,顯示共有逾7000人受害、8000名遭受間接波及,此外政府當局還收到近23,000件書面告發。
#阿根廷 🇦🇷「失蹤者國家委員會」,調查1976-1983年軍政府統治時期,近9000人下落不明的情況。審查8960位失蹤案與不計其數的凌虐和拘留案,確認365座凌虐和集中營。其成果報告《永不重蹈覆轍》於1984年公諸於世。時至2006年,前警察總長Miguel Etchecolatz終被判終生監禁,2008年前軍政府首領Reynaldo Bignone 被判處25年徒刑,軍政府時期的第一任總統Jorge Rafael Videla也被起訴,於2010年遭判終生監禁,2014年於獄中去世。
#蒲隆地 🇧🇮 由聯合國安理會成立「國際調查委員會」釐清1993年Ndadaye總統遇刺及相關暴力真相,「九三事件」造成超過5萬人喪生。委員會作出法律、政治和行政措施,懲治肇事者,嚴防重蹈覆轍,促進國內和解。
#南非 🇿🇦「真相與和解委員會」(TRC) 於1995年成立,調查種族隔離期間人權迫害事件並作成報告,分析1960-1990 年代的解放組織等相關運動,透過舉辦一場場公開的聽證會,收集21,000份證詞,並自2003年起執行財務賠償,最終走向和解。
#斯里蘭卡 🇱🇰「非自願遷徙或失蹤者下落調查委員會」,調查自1988年開始的失蹤案件,並找出負責者。一共查出16,700件失蹤案,賠償家屬損失,超過400名國安部門成員被起訴。
Today is #PeaceMemorialDay, commemorating the February 28th Incident in 1947.
In the midst of an epidemic, the values of #transparency, #FreedomOfSpeech, #science-based practice and humanitarian governance that are inherent to free and democratic societies have never been clearer. However, this doesn’t happen overnight, but rather authoritarian dictatorships have to be challenged by intellectuals and civic groups for change to happen. For generations who were born after this chapter of history closed, this may be hard to imagine, but it is important that it be remembered and examined.
‘The mistakes of the past do not easily disappear into history, but rather become a festering wound.’
The Inability to Mourn (Die Unfähigkeit zu trauern)
‘Vergangenheitsbewältigung’ is the German word for the struggle to work through the horrors of World War II. In a similar manner, Taiwanese people have been working to decode and examine the February 28th Incident; in order to facilitate peace and reconciliation within Taiwanese society and build the lasting foundation for a democratic society.
If this sounds like a Sisyphean task, don’t feel discouraged, we’ve shared some #TransitionalJustice success stories from around the world below:
#Germany: Two years after German reunification, the Commission of Inquiry for the Assessment of History and Consequences of the SED Dictatorship in Germany was established by the German government to examine the history and consequences of the former East German communist government. It released its 18-volume report in 1994. A Commission of Inquiry on Overcoming the Consequences of the SED Dictatorship in the Process of German Unity then investigated the findings for a further three years. This was used as the basis to distribute compensation to victims and more funds were apportioned for education and culture, so that people would learn the lessons of history and so that these tragedies would never happen again.
#NorthernIreland: The NI Commission for Victims and Survivors was established to investigate the stories of victims of the Troubles. A commissioner for Victims and Survivors of the conflict in Northern Ireland was established by legislation in 2006 and its principal aim is to promote the interests of victims and survivors.
#US: The Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians investigated the internment and relocation of US citizens during World War II. Congress subsequently passed the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, in which the government acknowledged and apologized for the injustices and which created a public education fund to inform the public as well as making restitution to those affected; ensuring that similar actions would not be taken in the future.
#Guatemala: The Historical Clarification Commission was established to investigate human rights abuses during the 36-year armed conflict in the country, which saw 200,000 killed and over 1 million disappearances. The final report, Memory of Silence was published in 1999. On May 10, 2013, the head of the military regime Efraín Ríos Montt was convicted of genocide and crimes against humanity. He was sentenced to 80 years in prison (50 years for genocide and 30 years for crimes against humanity).
#ElSalvador: The UN-funded Truth Commission for El Salvador was established in 1992 to investigate the grave wrongdoings, including murders, disappearances and torture, that occurred during the 12-year civil war. In 1993 the report, 'From Madness to Hope', was published. 2000 people provided direct testimony, with over 7,000 direct victims and over 8,000 indirect victims. Authorities also received over 23,000 written complaints.
#Argentina: The National Commission on the Disappearances of Persons was established to investigate the almost 9,000 disappearances under the military junta from 1976 to 1983. The commission’s report, 'Nunca Más', was published in 1984. The commission identified 300 secret detention centers throughout Argentina used during the "Dirty War" that were administered by the military and documented 8,961 deaths and disappearances. In 2006, former senior Argentine police officer Miguel Etchecolatz, who worked in the Buenos Aires Provincial Police during the first years of the military dictatorship, was sentenced to life; in 2008 the former head of the military junta was sentenced to 25 years. The first president of the miltary junta rule was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2010 and passed away in prison in 2014.
#Burundi: The International Commission of Inquiry was established by the UN Security Council in 1995 to look into the tens of thousands of deaths in the genocide in the wake of the assassination of President Melchior Ndadaye and to recommend legal, political or administrative measures to bring to justice persons responsible for those acts and promote reconciliation in Burundi.
#SouthAfrica: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission was established in 1996 to hold public hearings where testimony was heard by victims and perpetrators concerning human rights violations that occurred during apartheid. The Commission found more than 19,050 people had been victims of gross human rights violations. The final report of the commission consists of seven volumes.
#SriLanka: The Commissions of Inquiry into the Involuntary Removal or Disappearance of Persons were established to investigate forced disappearances from 1988 to 1994, as the Sri Lankan government was embroiled in war with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. They found 16,700 cases of forced disappearances and victims received compensation.
臺灣民主基金會 Taiwan Foundation for Democracy
開放雜誌 OPEN magazine
透明人 1993 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳貼文
小編的 #二二八和平紀念日 隨筆✍️
台灣人對於 #德 (Democracy民主) #賽 (Science科學) 先生一定不陌生,尤其在這波 #武漢肺炎 疫情蔓延的此刻,我們更能體會 #民主、透明、人本的行政,以及 #科學、學術自由的重要性。
但今天我們享受的 #民主自由 跟 #說真話 的權利,並非從天上掉下來,而是許多人民勇敢反抗威權獨裁體制所爭取而來的。他們所遭受殘酷不當的政治迫害,或許是生活在現在的我們難以想像的😰,但即便那段用血與淚寫下的歷史,曾被刻意抹去或扭曲,我們仍然不應該忘記,反而更應秉持實事求是的科學精神,還原過去...
記述德國 #轉型正義 的《無能於哀悼》(Die Unfähigkeit zu trauern)一書,道出了「克服過去」(Vergangenheitsbewältigung) 的意義,也是我們台灣人面對「二二八事件」這段歷史時,應該賦予自己的使命與工作💪;因為唯有如此,社會才能逐步實現和解,台灣也才能在和平深厚的民主文化中,持續壯闊!
No no no... 身為走在國際線上的知識型小編🤓,就來跟大家分享幾個世界上比較有代表性的「轉型正義」案例吧~
#德國 🇩🇪「前東德社會統一黨獨裁時期歷史評價與影響研究委員會」調查1949-1989年的人權侵犯事件,聽取目擊者證詞,於1994年6月完成報告18冊,作為德國政府後續補償受害者之依據,並挹注教育與文化預算,透過正規教育及生活環境形塑,讓人民記住歷史教訓,避免悲劇重演。
#北愛爾蘭 🏳️「北愛爾蘭受害者委員會」調查過去30年戰爭中對人權的迫害事件真相,成立專門委員會平反賠償,促使對立衝突的雙方領袖,願意為改變現狀做出不一樣的決定,開啟相互理解的契機。
#美國 🇺🇸「戰時公民遭迫遷與拘留委員會」1980年由國會設置,調查1942-1945年間美國公民與移民被強迫遷移與拘禁的情況,並於1988年通過《公民自由法案》,要求政府認錯道歉,並須設立公共教育基金,向大眾宣傳以及提供受害者賠償,另保證未來不再採取類似行動。
#瓜地馬拉 🇬🇹「歷史澄清委員會」於1997-1999年間,調查過去36年來國內武裝衝突中侵犯人權的案件,最終報告命名為《瓜地馬拉:沉默記憶》,紀錄人權侵害的犧牲者 4萬多人,其中23,000多人遭受處決,6000多人被失蹤。當時軍事政變掌權者Rios Montt,在2012 年被法庭以種族滅絕和反人類兩罪正式指控,2013年被判處合計80年徒刑。
#薩爾瓦多 🇸🇻「薩爾瓦多真相委員會」,資金由聯合國會員國募集和管理,調查1980年代以來22,000宗處死、凌虐與綁架案。1993年在美國發表調查報告《從瘋狂到希望:薩爾瓦多12年的戰爭》,最後有2000名證人出面提出直接證據,顯示共有逾7000人受害、8000名遭受間接波及,此外政府當局還收到近23,000件書面告發。
#阿根廷 🇦🇷「失蹤者國家委員會」,調查1976-1983年軍政府統治時期,近9000人下落不明的情況。審查8960位失蹤案與不計其數的凌虐和拘留案,確認365座凌虐和集中營。其成果報告《永不重蹈覆轍》於1984年公諸於世。時至2006年,前警察總長Miguel Etchecolatz終被判終生監禁,2008年前軍政府首領Reynaldo Bignone 被判處25年徒刑,軍政府時期的第一任總統Jorge Rafael Videla也被起訴,於2010年遭判終生監禁,2014年於獄中去世。
#蒲隆地 🇧🇮 由聯合國安理會成立「國際調查委員會」釐清1993年Ndadaye總統遇刺及相關暴力真相,「九三事件」造成超過5萬人喪生。委員會作出法律、政治和行政措施,懲治肇事者,嚴防重蹈覆轍,促進國內和解。
#南非 🇿🇦「真相與和解委員會」(TRC) 於1995年成立,調查種族隔離期間人權迫害事件並作成報告,分析1960-1990 年代的解放組織等相關運動,透過舉辦一場場公開的聽證會,收集21,000份證詞,並自2003年起執行財務賠償,最終走向和解。
#斯里蘭卡 🇱🇰「非自願遷徙或失蹤者下落調查委員會」,調查自1988年開始的失蹤案件,並找出負責者。一共查出16,700件失蹤案,賠償家屬損失,超過400名國安部門成員被起訴。
Today is #PeaceMemorialDay, commemorating the February 28th Incident in 1947.
In the midst of an epidemic, the values of #transparency, #FreedomOfSpeech, #science-based practice and humanitarian governance that are inherent to free and democratic societies have never been clearer. However, this doesn’t happen overnight, but rather authoritarian dictatorships have to be challenged by intellectuals and civic groups for change to happen. For generations who were born after this chapter of history closed, this may be hard to imagine, but it is important that it be remembered and examined.
‘The mistakes of the past do not easily disappear into history, but rather become a festering wound.’
The Inability to Mourn (Die Unfähigkeit zu trauern)
‘Vergangenheitsbewältigung’ is the German word for the struggle to work through the horrors of World War II. In a similar manner, Taiwanese people have been working to decode and examine the February 28th Incident; in order to facilitate peace and reconciliation within Taiwanese society and build the lasting foundation for a democratic society.
If this sounds like a Sisyphean task, don’t feel discouraged, we’ve shared some #TransitionalJustice success stories from around the world below:
#Germany: Two years after German reunification, the Commission of Inquiry for the Assessment of History and Consequences of the SED Dictatorship in Germany was established by the German government to examine the history and consequences of the former East German communist government. It released its 18-volume report in 1994. A Commission of Inquiry on Overcoming the Consequences of the SED Dictatorship in the Process of German Unity then investigated the findings for a further three years. This was used as the basis to distribute compensation to victims and more funds were apportioned for education and culture, so that people would learn the lessons of history and so that these tragedies would never happen again.
#NorthernIreland: The NI Commission for Victims and Survivors was established to investigate the stories of victims of the Troubles. A commissioner for Victims and Survivors of the conflict in Northern Ireland was established by legislation in 2006 and its principal aim is to promote the interests of victims and survivors.
#US: The Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians investigated the internment and relocation of US citizens during World War II. Congress subsequently passed the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, in which the government acknowledged and apologized for the injustices and which created a public education fund to inform the public as well as making restitution to those affected; ensuring that similar actions would not be taken in the future.
#Guatemala: The Historical Clarification Commission was established to investigate human rights abuses during the 36-year armed conflict in the country, which saw 200,000 killed and over 1 million disappearances. The final report, Memory of Silence was published in 1999. On May 10, 2013, the head of the military regime Efraín Ríos Montt was convicted of genocide and crimes against humanity. He was sentenced to 80 years in prison (50 years for genocide and 30 years for crimes against humanity).
#ElSalvador: The UN-funded Truth Commission for El Salvador was established in 1992 to investigate the grave wrongdoings, including murders, disappearances and torture, that occurred during the 12-year civil war. In 1993 the report, 'From Madness to Hope', was published. 2000 people provided direct testimony, with over 7,000 direct victims and over 8,000 indirect victims. Authorities also received over 23,000 written complaints.
#Argentina: The National Commission on the Disappearances of Persons was established to investigate the almost 9,000 disappearances under the military junta from 1976 to 1983. The commission’s report, 'Nunca Más', was published in 1984. The commission identified 300 secret detention centers throughout Argentina used during the "Dirty War" that were administered by the military and documented 8,961 deaths and disappearances. In 2006, former senior Argentine police officer Miguel Etchecolatz, who worked in the Buenos Aires Provincial Police during the first years of the military dictatorship, was sentenced to life; in 2008 the former head of the military junta was sentenced to 25 years. The first president of the miltary junta rule was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2010 and passed away in prison in 2014.
#Burundi: The International Commission of Inquiry was established by the UN Security Council in 1995 to look into the tens of thousands of deaths in the genocide in the wake of the assassination of President Melchior Ndadaye and to recommend legal, political or administrative measures to bring to justice persons responsible for those acts and promote reconciliation in Burundi.
#SouthAfrica: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission was established in 1996 to hold public hearings where testimony was heard by victims and perpetrators concerning human rights violations that occurred during apartheid. The Commission found more than 19,050 people had been victims of gross human rights violations. The final report of the commission consists of seven volumes.
#SriLanka: The Commissions of Inquiry into the Involuntary Removal or Disappearance of Persons were established to investigate forced disappearances from 1988 to 1994, as the Sri Lankan government was embroiled in war with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. They found 16,700 cases of forced disappearances and victims received compensation.
臺灣民主基金會 Taiwan Foundation for Democracy
開放雜誌 OPEN magazine
透明人 1993 在 にゃーにゃちゃんねるnya-nya channel Youtube 的最讚貼文
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透明人 1993 在 不少人都會想起2000年美國電影《透明人魔》... - 香港民間經典 ... 的推薦與評價
以隱形人為題材的影視作品當中,不少人都會想起2000年美國電影《透明人魔》,電影講述一名科學家研發隱形 ... 而大鬧廣昌隆都係抄一套港產片,1993年嘅《人皮燈籠》. ... <看更多>
透明人 1993 在 透明人一部关于透明人的惊悚电影,如果你有一天可以隐形你最 ... 的推薦與評價
透明人 一部关于透明人的惊悚电影,如果你有一天可以隐形你最想做什么? ... 天才科学家获得隐身技能后的欲望之路,7分钟看完科幻恐怖片《透明人》. ... <看更多>
透明人 1993 在 透明人- 電影- Gimy劇迷- PttPlay線上看 的推薦與評價
透明人 劇情:|BD超清中字|隸屬於美國軍方的某神秘機構,正在進行著一項隱形技術的研究。科學家塞巴斯蒂安·凱恩(凱文·培根Kevin Ba. ... <看更多>