🍎A:收到簡訊的學生是與已經居家隔離的「確診病例之密切接觸者」修習同課程、室友或同社團關係的人,雖然這些學生 #並非屬於政府規定的自主健康管理者,但本校為了提高校園防疫安全,採取預防性措施,因此建議這些學生不要去教室上課或是參加會議,若是前往,#請全程戴口罩。
另外,這些學生也 #適用自主健康管理者的保障及安心就學方案,請主動與授課老師聯繫討論彈性學習方案,若遇到期中考,也請與老師討論補考方式。
【Notice on Improving Epidemic Safety Measures on 3/24】Q&A
🍎Q1:Could students who have received the text from the Academic Affairs Office go to classes or attend conferences before 4/1?
🍎A:The student who received the text is the person who has taken part in the same course, roommate, or association with a “close contact person with a confirmed case” who has been separated from home. Although these students # are not government-regulated Self-Health managers, However, NTHU would want to improve campus epidemic safety and taking preventive measures, it is recommended that these students do not go to classes in campus or attend meetings. If you do, please wear a mask throughout.
Please contact your professors to discuss the flexible learning plan. If you encounter the mid-term exam, please also discuss the supplementary exam with the teacher.
🍊Q2:Are students who have received the text from the Academic Affairs Office not be able to attend all courses?
🍊A:NTHU would want to improve campus epidemic safety and taking preventive measures, it is recommended that these students do not go to classes in campus or attend meetings. If you do, please wear a mask throughout.
🍏Q3:Could teachers who have received the text from the Academic Affairs Office attend classes?
🍏A:It is recommended for teachers taking long-distance online teaching at home. If you go to the classroom for teaching, please wear a mask to teach throughout.
適用自主健康管理者的保障及安心就學方案 在 受隔離、檢疫者和其照顧者防疫補償(1110629已更新) 的相關結果
經各級衛生主管機關認定應接受居家隔離、居家檢疫、集中隔離或集中檢疫者。(簡稱受隔離或檢疫者)。但未遵守中央流行疫情指揮中心所實施防疫之措施者,不適用之。 ... <看更多>
適用自主健康管理者的保障及安心就學方案 在 停課標準相關問答集 的相關結果
保障 教職員工生健康及安全。 3 為什麼停課期間為14 ... 病例之接觸者經過. 疫情調查後,採取「居家隔離」14 天之措施, ... 學校院遇停課時應啟動學生安心就學措施。 ... <看更多>
適用自主健康管理者的保障及安心就學方案 在 本校防疫最新QA(109.3.25) 的相關結果
答:以下表圖示來說明居家隔離、居家檢疫及自主健康管理之區別:. 居家隔離:須留在家中或 ... 另外,這些學生也適用自主健康管理者的保障及安心就學方案,請主動與授. ... <看更多>