既然時代不斷改變,大家喜歡玩的東西也日新月異…總是要有新的嘗試,就改變一下吧…這是開頁以來的第一個 3D Post 😊 感覺很好玩,是新的明信片系列裡的其中5個畫面,以前都是用拍照或影片來給大家先預覽明信片實物,不知道您們會不會喜歡這種新模式去呈顯日後的英倫光影攝影作呢?
#手指轉一下背後看看 :)
#英倫光影明信片 #Vol6 #還想預訂的朋友請來信登記啊 ^^
Since things change alot and quickly, it always comes along with something new to play. So I guess this is a new try and new way to share stuffs in another dimension. This is the first 3D post ever made of the page, and its pretty amazing and fun, to showcase a few pictures out of the latest Postcard Collection. Instead of taking photos or shooting videos to show everyone how the postcards look, would you prefer this type of interactive post to check out my future photography ? :)
To spin it around and there is a bit of difference behind. If anyone still feel interested to order the Postcard Collection, do message me here :)