【雙喜臨門💞 - 英國在台辦事處慶祝英女王誕辰&辦事處成立25週年酒會】
The British Office in Taiwan celebrated the Queen’s birthday and its 25th anniversary on the evening of June 6. Minister Joseph Wu opened the celebrations saying, “Good things come in pairs,” in congratulations to the royal family for the birth of Prince Louis and the wedding of Prince Harry and Ms Meghan Markle. Minister Wu and UK Representative Catherine Nettleton raised a toast for the Queen’s birthday and the friendship between the UK and Taiwan, with the Minister adding, “Solidarity is Great!”
英國在台辦事處前幾天舉辦了慶祝酒會,歡慶女王伊莉莎白二世92歲華誕,也是British Office Taipei 英國在台辦事處成立25週年🤩,外交部吳釗燮部長和吳志中次長都到場獻上最誠摯的祝福~
吳部長致詞時以「雙喜臨門」(Good things come in pairs) 恭賀英國皇室👑喜事接踵而來,最後借用英國政府宣傳國際形象的口號「GREAT」,強調「台英團結一致真正棒 (Solidarity is Great)!」