就是 #台灣 貢獻 #國際社會
剛好最近 TaiwanICDF財團法人國際合作發展基金會
第1站🇳🇷 #諾魯 社區營養衛教巡迴活動
台灣技術團努力向當地民眾說明慢性病是如何造成、示範蔬菜的烹煮方式🥬🍆🍅 以及發放菜苗及堆肥等...
第2站🇮🇩 #印尼 中蘇拉威西WASH供水與衛生支援計畫
大家還記得去年9月在 #中蘇拉威西 發生的大地震嗎❓
台灣國合會與 #美慈組織 共同合作 🤝
第3站🇵🇾 #巴拉圭 醫療資訊管理效能提升計畫
協助建立 #醫務管理系統 👨🏻⚕️👩🏻⚕️
提升當地 #醫療照護 與 #服務品質 的美麗成果吧~
請由此進👉 https://s.yam.com/nWFTj
同場加映👉 https://youtu.be/q_qcwsUGH04
#真誠的朋友 ❤️
Taiwan’s International Cooperation and Development Fund technical missions have seen great results cooperating with local shareholders all around the world, from Southeast Asia, to the South Pacific and even in South America:
- Taiwan’s technical and medical team in #Nauru held a "Seedling Giving and Cooking Workshop" on October 12 at Meneng Hall. More than 30 people took part and H.E. President Aingimea and H.E. Ambassador Wang were there to cheer on the participants.
- #TaiwanICDF responded to #Indonesia’s call for international aid in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami that struck Sulawesi by launching a WASH project with Mercy Corps this February. The project came to an end recently with a joint handover ceremony on October 16 in Sigi Regent, one of the areas with the most casualties. Among some 165 attendees, deputy representative Taipei Economic and Trade Office in Indonesia Peter Lan, Irwin Lapata, head of Sigi regent and Mr. Ade Soekadis, Executive Director, Mercy Corps Indonesia gave speeches to mark the fruitful project that benefited at least 1,000 affected households.
- Taiwan has been working on a Health Information Management Efficiency Enhancement Project in #Paraguay since 2016, aimed at increasing efficiency, which has successfully reduced patient waiting times.
醫療資訊管理效能提升計畫 在 林靜儀醫師 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【在離台灣最遠的國家 喜迎神秘嘉賓🙋♀】
在 #巴拉圭 這個離台灣最遠的國家,國合會技術團在中秋即將到來的前夕,迎來了一位令人驚喜萬分的神秘嘉賓,那就是我們認真的林立法委員靜儀❤
Hon. Ching-Yi Lin, legislator of the Legislative Yuan, attends the opening ceremony of information technology training classroom in Limpio Hospital, Paraguay.🇵🇾
揭牌儀式後,林委員也在國合會計畫經理吳原安的陪同解說下,參觀並了解該院導入醫療資訊系統的成效,對於國合會在巴拉圭執行的這個 #HIS(#醫療資訊系統)計畫,能夠確實地讓巴國民眾受惠,感到非常滿意唷🆙
林靜儀 醫師.立法委員
Embajada de Taiwán en el Paraguay-中華民國駐巴拉圭大使館
醫療資訊管理效能提升計畫 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳貼文
感謝友邦 #海地、#巴拉圭、#史瓦帝尼 在 #世界衛生組織 執委會中為 #台灣 發聲!想知道他們說了哪些 #揪感心 😘的 #挺台言論 嗎?影片🎬重點小編替大家畫好了... 繼續閲讀👇
We're grateful to our allies #Haiti, #Paraguay and the Kingdom of #Eswatini for speaking up for #Taiwan 🇹🇼 at the World Health Organization's executive board session! TLDR? You can also check out the video below!
🇭🇹海地駐團常代Pierre André DUNBAR大使:「#SDGs 不應將任何人排除在外的承諾,考量台灣推行普及化健康照護的經驗及對全球健康的貢獻,海地呼籲台灣重獲在WHO中的 #觀察員 身分」
Ambassador Pierre André Dunbar from Haiti stated that sustainable development goals are commitments that no-one should be excluded from and given Taiwan's experience in implementing universal healthcare and global contributions to health, he called for Taiwan's #observer status at the WHO to be reinstated.
🇵🇾巴拉圭駐團副常代 Julio César PERALTA RODAS大使:「巴拉圭2016年與台灣簽署 #醫療資訊管理效能提升計畫 協議,為23個特定機構開發醫療資訊系統,作為提升醫療服務管理效能及品質的指標」
Ambassador Julio César Peralta Rodas from Paraguay stated that his country had signed an agreement on a Health Information Management Efficiency Enhancement Project with Taiwan in 2016, to establish health information systems for 23 specific organizations in Paraguay, to improve the efficiency and quality of medical care.
🇸🇿史瓦帝尼衛生部政務次長Simon Mfanzile Zwane:「台灣作為ㄧ個成功達到普及化健康照護的國家,雙方共同合作強化基本健康照護,改善史瓦帝尼婦幼保健,我們希望分享台灣在這領域的極佳範例經驗」
Principal Secretary of Eswatini's Ministry of Health Simon Mfanzile Zwane stated, "The Kingdom of Eswatini is encouraged by the technical assistance and cooperation that we have and receive from the Republic of China (Taiwan), a country that successfully attained universal health coverage, to work together to improve maternal and neonatal health outcomes in the Kingdom of Eswatini, through strengthening primary healthcare. That is why we ascribe to the notion of sharing of best practices in this area, regardless of who is offering it, in order to enrich this global approach."
#HealthForAll #TaiwanCanHelp
(影片節錄自WHO官網:https://www.who.int/news-room/events/executive-board-144th-session )