【參加Rugby Sevens記住咪嘥嘢🏉】
今日我都去咗Rugby Sevens啊,不過唔係嚟比賽,而係嚟睇下大家有冇自備餐具同杯,同時宣傳今年Rugby Sevens嘅減廢措施,例如場內無膠飲管提供、重用啤酒壺有優惠🍺!不過記得唔係得今日先要做好源頭減廢♻️,而係任何時都要做到,咁先至叻👍🏻!
#咪嘥嘢活動 #RugbySevens #綠色七欖 #連澳洲人都識阿鬼 #重用啤酒杯 #走膠飲管 #走塑減廢 #tackle所有大嘥鬼 #大型活動減廢指南
重用啤酒杯 在 大嘥鬼 Big Waster Facebook 的精選貼文
一年一度嘅Rugby Sevens又返嚟喇!今年阿鬼都有份參加,不過唔係比賽,而係同大家一齊tackle所有大嘥鬼(即係攔低自己😂)。另外大會亦推行多項減廢措施,好似場內無膠飲管提供,同自己拎杯買啤酒有特價外,Rugby Sevens仲搵咗40位大學生幫手做綠色大使!務求大家參加大型活動都唔嘥嘢,做到源頭減廢!
#咪嘥嘢活動 #RugbySevens #綠色七欖 #重用啤酒杯 #惜食轉贈Foodangle #走塑減廢 #升級再造 #tackle所有大嘥鬼 #大型活動減廢指南
Introducing this year's GREEN SEVENS initiatives.
2018 is the fifth year of our Green Sevens campaign, launched to minimise the event's environmental footprint.
This year we're;
1. Offering a $10 discount for beer jug refills
2. Banning the use of plastic straws within the stadium
3. Donating all unsold food to the charity Food Angel
4. Demonstrating 'upcycling' through the mini and youth showcase participant medals
Look out for the return of the 'Big Waster' mascot at this year's event, and always remember the 3 R's... REDUCE, RE-USE, RECYCLE!