台灣ADI徵才啟事!! 機會難得, 眼明手快快上104!
1. (暑期實習) Applications Engineer Intern (應用工程師實習)
EE background, Institute school or university
Evaluate product performance and generate reports
Track and manage ODM project activities
2. (新鮮人職缺) Graduate Applications Engineer (Firmware軟韌體工程師)
MSEE or Master of Computer Science/Physics/Mechanical Engineering
Assist in the design and evaluation of customer analog solutions
Proposing system solutions to customers
3. Field Applications Engineer (半導體IC應用工程師)
MSEE degree with concentration in Power Electronics, or BSEE with 5+ yrs relevant power supply design experience
Analog and power application circuit design and testing
Support existing products and get customer feedback for BU to understand future market needs
Please refer to below website for more information
韌體工程師104 在 國立陽明交通大學電子工程學系及電子研究所 Facebook 的精選貼文
◆ 需求條件:
- 對象 : 2021年應屆畢業生(大學含以上)
- 科系 : 資工/資管/電子/電機/機械/電信/光電/航太/網通/工業設計/企管等相關科系
◆ 招募職缺:
- 專案經理、硬體工程師、機構工程師、軟體工程師、韌體工程師、散熱工程師、聲學工程師、工業設計師、無線通訊工程師、關鍵組件工程師、綠能研發工程師、電磁相容工程師 、電子法規工程師
◆ 應徵方式:
📩 104人力銀行:
☀️ Google表單:
☀️ 公司官方網站:
🌈 FB 粉絲專頁:
📩 104人力銀行:
🍰 CakeResume: