📢 台灣與歐盟友好關係持續加深!
歐洲議會外交委員會於9/1通過「台歐盟政治關係暨合作」報告,該報告是歐洲議會史上 #首度針對台歐盟政治關係起草的正式文件📄
📍建議將「歐洲經貿辦事處」更名為「歐盟駐台辦事處」(EU Office in Taiwan),並支持台灣在立陶宛設立代表處。
首度針對台歐盟政治關係起草的正式文件 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的精選貼文
歐洲議會鼓勵歐盟 #強化與台灣最高層級等官方交流,也呼籲歐盟執委會於今年年底前準備好與台灣「雙邊投資協定」的前置作業,以準備與台灣展開談判。
先前中國以經貿及外交等手段制裁立陶宛,這次歐洲議會臨時新增並通過修正案,強調歐洲議會支持也歡迎台灣在立陶宛設立代表處,同時譴責中國對立陶宛的經濟制裁,也呼籲歐盟採取適當行動力挺立陶宛。另一修正案則建議將「歐洲經貿辦事處」更名為「歐盟駐台辦事處」(EU Office in Taiwan)。
「台歐盟政治關係暨合作」報告 #是歐洲議會首度針對台歐盟政治關係起草的正式文件,外交部誠摯感謝歐洲議會首次主動針對台歐關係提出全面積極的建議,未來將持續關注後續報告案投票結果。
MOFA would like to thank the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs for adopting a report on #EU-#Taiwan Political Relations and Cooperation, marking a new milestone in ties!
We welcome the report, which calls for the elevating of political relations with Taiwan to a comprehensive and enhanced partnership, the completion of an impact assessment which could pave the way for negotiations of a bilateral investment agreement (#BIA) with Taiwan, Taiwan’s inclusion in the EU Indo-Pacific Strategy and advocacy for Taiwan’s inclusion in international organizations as an observer, among other things.
The report also expresses the European Parliament’s support for Taiwan’s establishment of a representative office in #Lithuania and suggests the changing of the name of the European Economic and Trade Office in Taipei to the “EU Office in Taiwan.”
Taiwan and the EU share the values of #democracy, #freedom and respect for #HumanRights and #RuleOfLaw. Taiwan will not be cowed by authoritarian regimes into abandoning these principles and will continue to work with the EU and other partners to uphold the liberal democratic order.
首度針對台歐盟政治關係起草的正式文件 在 #首度針對台歐盟政治關係起草的正式文件 - एक्सप्लोर करें | Facebook 的推薦與評價
歐洲議會外交委員會於9/1通過「台歐盟政治關係暨合作」報告,該報告是歐洲議會史上#首度針對台歐盟政治關係起草的正式文件. 提案報告中,有三大重點:. ... <看更多>