【龍貓其實是老鼠 | New Video Out】
請訂閱我的Youtube頻道(林子安 AnViolin),大家都是我的龍貓!讓我的頻道訂閱數長得跟大樹一樣高。
歡迎大家在沒有下雨的週末到信義區香堤大道,聽cover歌曲的live版喔!詳細演出相關資訊,都會更新在限時動態! ⠀
My Neighbor Totoro is deemed to be the memories of everyone's childhood !⠀⠀⠀
The two little girls in the animation hoped that the seeds would grow into big trees soon, so we can feel the hope from the melody, and the Totoro helped them fulfill their wishes.⠀
With the magical blessing of Totoro, the oak fruits grew up into big trees overnight, which is surely expressed by the magical and fantastic melody.⠀
Still feel the same warmth and beauty when hearing this music tho I can hardly remember the name of the characters or the specific story in the animation.⠀
Hope y’all like this and let's congrats to Taiwan for no new confirmed cases of COVID-19 for 2 consecutive days 😎
Hope my violin brings out the best picture for you =]
and let’s wish to Totoro to expel the COVID-19 away!!!!
Feel free to come to Taipei Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Plaza to enjoy more my live cover songs. Check it out on my Instagram stories! ⠀⠀
小提琴 Violin:林子安 Lin Tzu An
攝影師剪接師 Photographer & Film editor: Santon.W
龍貓其實真的是老鼠 在 值得調查。 你知道龍貓不是貓嗎?... - 龍應台- Lung Yingtai 的推薦與評價
Totoro 長得就像他,可是,是誰把金吉拉鼠稱為「龍貓」的呢?把老鼠命名為「貓」的動機是什麼呢?而且,加上一個尊貴的「龍」字,把西方的愛護動物 ... ... <看更多>
龍貓其實真的是老鼠 在 飼養龍貓不簡單! 花色突變種一對身價逾百萬? 國民大會 ... 的推薦與評價

本集完整內容:https://youtu.be/5mFrtmx_CFo✓密切鎖定【國民大會】快來訂閱➔https://goo.gl/LW1fIH【2020總統大選is coming】藍綠白誰坐上鐵王座! ... <看更多>
龍貓其實真的是老鼠 在 #龍貓牠不是老鼠是龍貓! - 寵物板 | Dcard 的推薦與評價
其實龍貓 中文名是毛絲鼠(還是老鼠),有分短毛跟長毛~因為他們的毛柔軟所以被濫殺,目前是受威脅的保育類動物,上一篇有說過牠叫鼻鼻, ... ... <看更多>