For a long time, I forgot how important it is to take good care of myself so that I can care for my family. I didn't make time to exercise and consoled myself that fetching the kids, buying groceries and doing chores are keeping me fit too. Even when I gradually put on more pounds, I felt the difference but told myself "It's okay, I'm a mum" and every time I thought of doing something about it, I ended up procrastinating.
2020 has been a year of change for me on a personal level. I found the motivation to finally take a step forward and learn to say "Yes" for the things I love to do, instead of always making way for what the kids want to do. Yup, I guess it's time to stop neglecting myself now that the kids are older. They'll always need me (I hope), but maybe it's time for me to think about myself too.
Other than rekindling my old hobbies like how I've been reading, crocheting, beading and doing art and craft, I also started doing yoga, doing stretching and core workouts while continuing to have dance sessions with the kids. By trying to stay fit myself, I hope the kids will learn how important it is to lead a healthy lifestyle even as they grow up.
Thanks to @kappingusg, I managed to shed the extra pounds in the first quarter of the year and realised that with some self-control and determination, I can actually maintain it and keep it going. Yup, measured my weight today and it stands at 49.2kg, not bad, right? Now, I just need to work on more abs workouts and flatten that tummy. For those who would like to try this TCM slim cupping method, drop them a DM and quote 'ahappymum' for a special deal.
Thanks to @myblissbody for sending over this comfy pair of Sportivo leggings to encourage me to keep working out! Love its design as well as the stretchable and breathable material. Quote 'ahappymum15' to enjoy 15% off when you shop at
Happy Sunday, people! Gotta work out even during weekends, yeah? 15 mins a day is good enough! 大家一起来动起来吧!
#ahappymum #myblissbody #leggings #yoganewbie #pigeonpose #keepingfit #workout #15minsadayalsogood