老鷹逆轉一度落後 26分的差距,109:106擊敗七六人聽牌。
前三節 Embiid勢不可擋,但是第四節體力跟傷勢的消耗被老鷹找到缺口,只靠比賽最後的14分鐘把比賽逆轉拿下。
一開賽兩邊的節奏都打得很快,老鷹的命中率不差,但是七六人連續五次出手都得分,之後也維持高效率的得分,開賽五分鐘 18:11讓老鷹叫出暫停。七六人一開賽透過 Korkmaz或是 Curry跟 Embiid在強邊做兩人搭配餵球給 Embiid post up,而 Embiid也一改第四場下半場都在外線跳投不強打老鷹禁區但是投 0/12的窘況,第一節投 8中8,一球三分,17分。而老鷹第一節三分熄火 1/6。第一節結束 38:24七六人領先。
第二節 Embiid在休息的時候七六人加快節奏主打防守籃板之後的反快攻跟早攻,而老鷹在防守端回防速度不夠快,讓七六人的 Harris, Milton跟 Simmons有很多輕易的得分機會。老鷹這邊則是靠著 Gallinari早早上工三分球 2/3咬住分數。七六人在 Embiid回到場上之後,回到他們第一節進攻的模式,在強邊讓 Embiid跟一個外圍球員做兩人搭配製造 Embiid post up的機會。老鷹在另一邊維持他們第三第四場的擋拆進攻策略,讓 Embiid守的人上來擋拆,逼腳步相對較慢的 Embiid要面對 Trae Young。七六人一改前兩場不讓另外三個人內縮的策略,這一場防守內縮幫忙 Embiid舒緩他防守 Trae的壓力,這雖然讓老鷹能夠透過 Trae Young的擋拆製造三分線外的空擋,但是老鷹上半場三分只有 3/12,而 Trae Young自己可能因為右肩的傷勢,禁區的上籃或小拋投甚至罰球的命中率都被影響。
在第二節剩 4分鐘時老鷹開始 hack'a'Simmons,雖然 Simmons兩罰不進但是又被 Embiid搶下進攻籃板製造犯規。另一邊 Capella在籃下進攻 Embiid失手惱羞犯下的技術犯規又讓 Embiid透過罰球擴大領先。中場 62:40七六人領先。上半場 Embiid超過 80%的命中率 24分,Simmons罰 2/8,6分 5助攻,Curry 維持三分手感 3/6 11分。Trae Young 14分但是命中率不到 4成,J. Collins 13分。
第三節老鷹在七六人連續三次進攻失誤之後將落後追到 20分以內,但是 Curry跟 Embiid隨即以兩記三分回擊。老鷹還是堅持用第三第四場有效的 Trae Young對 Embiid擋拆來進攻,但是 Trae Young自己的手感實在太差。而老鷹雖然包夾 Embiid的策略開始奏效,製造了七六人幾次進攻失誤,但是自己在進攻端還是因為自己的失誤無法串連起攻勢,同時回防也還是太慢讓七六人可以不透過 Embiid就找到好的出手機會得分,比分一直維持在 20分左右。剩五分鐘左右 Bogdanovic的第五犯對老鷹來說無疑是雪上加霜。而另一邊七六人 Curry則是維持他這幾場火熱的手感,第三節 14分,四顆三分。第三節結束 87:69七六人領先。
第四節一開賽老鷹的板凳以 Okongwu跟 Lou Williams為首快速地追回五分,差距回到 15分以內,七六人叫暫停。暫停回來之後 Gallinari馬上又投進一顆三分,Embiid回到場上,但是今天七六人還有另一個進攻箭頭 Curry,馬上兩記中距離加上 Embiid一球,又把比分差距拉到 15分。老鷹暫停之後換上 Lou Williams 跟 Trae Young雙衛陣容試著追分,Lou Williams跟 Embiid你來我往,老鷹在 Lou Williams在場上的時候不用他打擋拆針對 Embiid,而是拉開空間讓 Lou Williams單打投他擅長的中距離。Lou Williams連續命中四球而 Embiid跟 Curry在另一邊也連續投進或罰進。在比賽剩 5分半時差距來到 11分,Collins的一個擦板三分將落後縮小到 8分。在比賽剩四分半時開始hack'a'Simmons,Simmons在 2/8之後兩罰皆中讓差距來到 10分。Trae Young則在 Embiid似乎被膝蓋傷勢影響移動速度的情況下快速切入籃下得分。Simmons被 hack兩不中,老鷹快速推進 Colins傳 Capella拿到兩分,差距六分。七六人暫停之後 Embiid的傳球被 Lou Williams抄掉,Trae Young在另一邊投進中距離差距四分。七六人回到 Embiid的 post up但是傳進去的太慢 24秒進攻違例,Trae Young另一邊又切入籃下得分,老鷹落後兩分。Harris 中距離不進,而 Trae Young這時候買到了 Thybulle的三分線外犯規罰三球,Trae Young三罰皆中老鷹超前一分。七六人在暫停之後 Harris跟 Embiid兩個人都不搶投中距離而是互傳給對方,最後在籃下的 Harris接到 Embiid的傳球但是被回補的 Colins撥掉,球出界判給老鷹。老鷹讓 Gallinari單打 mismatch的 Curry成功,另一邊 Curry搶投三分不進,Embiid籃板,Doc叫了最後一次暫停,剩 21秒老鷹領先三分。七六人暫停之後先在外線讓 Milton跟 Harris還有 Embiid在三分線弧頂互相掩護想製造三分線機會,在沒有機會之後 Embiid自己切入造成老鷹阻擋犯規,上罰球線但是兩罰都沒進!Huerter 籃板之後老鷹暫停比賽剩 10秒。暫停之後球發進來,Thybulle差點在後場把球抄掉,Trae Young被犯規之後兩罰皆中,七六人快速推進 Korkmaz三分不進 Curry籃板之後中距離進但是已經沒有時間。終場 109:106老鷹聽牌!!
這場 Lou Williams第四節的 13分跟分擔 Trae Young的控球責任絕對是老鷹從最大落後 26分追回比分的關鍵。J. Colins 雖然沒有非常搶眼的進攻表現,但是在防守端籃板跟補防救回了老鷹很多個關鍵球權,整場 19分11板。老鷹在禁區的攻勢雖然完全被 Embiid/DH影響 Capella 只有 6分 8板,但是第四節 Embiid的移動似乎被膝傷影響讓 Trae Young找到機會,Trae 39分 罰 17/19,加上 7助攻。Gallinari的 15分則都是老鷹上半場跟第四節最後的關鍵時刻需要的。Bogdanovic今天因為犯規麻煩只得六分。
七六人這場打了三節的好球,明確的進攻原則,半場進攻交給 Embiid跟一個外圍球員兩人配合,如果包夾縮得夠小就找到外圍的射手,然後防守籃板之後的快速推進打老鷹較矮小的身材,再加上前三節老鷹自己回防之後的防守交代時常慢半拍,讓七六人不管打快打慢都有很多好的進攻機會。而 Ben Simmons跟 Embiid也特別有針對 Trae 的擋拆下功夫,多次干擾封蓋 Trae的擋拆之後的傳球或拋投。但就是可惜在第四節老鷹透過 Lou Williams連續幾波單打得分之後將比賽節奏放慢,七六人沒有辦法維持前三節一樣明確的進攻,防守端 Embiid的傷勢又被 Trae Young針對,Hack'a'Simmons也起到一定的效果。Ben Simmons 8分9助攻罰球 4/14,Embiid 37分 13板,下半場只得了 13分,尤其看到第四節關鍵時刻他其實並不信任自己的跳投。S. Curry 36分三分球 9/12。而 T. Harris今天則是因為 Simmons跟 Curry大量的持球一直沒有進入手感 2/11只得 4分。
老鷹對健康或者有體力的 Embiid無解,但是只要夠有耐心撐到第四節當 Embiid體力大幅下降,都有辦法利用七六人整場都透過 Embiid進攻無法立刻轉換體系的慣性追分。這是七六人也是 Embiid的難題,真的要這樣燒他自己的膝蓋嗎?而老鷹似乎只要能夠讓三分再穩定一點,比賽就不會像這一場那麼辛苦,今天老鷹最後三分也只是 9/26,而七六人還有 13/30。另外 Hack'a'Simmons今天起到了效果,讓老鷹順利打斷七六人的攻勢並把比賽節奏慢下來,罰球在一個系列賽是練不起來了,但是 Simmons能做更多來彌補他這個致命的缺點嗎?
同時也有75部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅pennyccw,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Allen Iverson would almost always rather drive to the basket than settle for a jumper. Seattle's porous defense gave him ample opportunity to dart do...
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回到主場的熱火在輸不得的壓力下全員皆兵,上一場失神的Whitside打出13分13板的雙十表現,當家控衛Dragic有20分的進帳,而隊上老大哥肩負重任也轟下25分,前三節將76人有效壓制,命中率也大幅被限制,眼看這場非常有機會在主場拿下,但超級新人Simmons的串連,加上Embiid的防守施壓下,熱火硬是在最後一節大當機,不但防守看似氣力放盡,就連進攻端也完全失靈,而本場的罰球也不盡理想,在最後一節被76人逆轉戰局。而Simmons也是從1980的Magic Johnson後,首次在季後賽拿下大三元的新人。
火箭在2連勝的氣勢下來到了明尼蘇達,但這場比賽,這群幼狼似乎才正要甦醒,Towns不僅拿下了18分16籃板,Wiggins也有20分的進帳,Jeff Teague,在關鍵時刻的外線火力支援,讓下半場灰狼能夠拉開比數,也別忘了關鍵人物「飆風玫瑰」Derrick Rose 板凳提供穩定的火力輸出;火箭此役的外線陷入冰點,引以為傲的進攻武器三分全隊不到四成的命中率,射手群幾乎完全熄火,是導致比賽失利的主因;這場除了是灰狼睽違季後賽14年的首勝,也讓隊上年輕小將找回信心,相信之後的比賽會更有看頭。
首次打進季後賽就有好表現的,也在今年脫胎換骨的Rubio表現上看到,今天拿下26分11籃板10助攻大三元的表現,上半場就攻得了19分,在下半場持續帶領隊友發威,爵士先發5人得分也來到雙位數,Joe Ingles三分球投10中5飆進21分,法國巨人Rudy Gobert取得18分12籃板,Mitchell則有22分11籃板的雙十表現,Favors也有11分的進帳;雷霆雖然有Westbrook的14分11籃板9助攻接近大三元的表現,但全場也發生8次失誤,命中率也差強人意,而在關鍵的第四節,三巨頭幾乎完全熄火,這樣的狀況在前兩戰後也未能改善,最終也讓爵士取得2比1的領先。
圖片來源 Philadelphia 76ers New Orleans Pelicans Minnesota Timberwolves Utah Jazz
18 19 76ers 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最讚貼文
Allen Iverson would almost always rather drive to the basket than settle for a jumper.
Seattle's porous defense gave him ample opportunity to dart down the lane for all the easy baskets he wanted.
Iverson scored 41 points, John Salmons had 18 and Kyle Korver 17 to lead the Philadelphia 76ers over the SuperSonics 107-98 on Monday night.
Although Iverson said he's still slightly bothered by his right ankle, which he sprained Dec. 27 at Denver, it hardly showed as he had one of his top shooting nights of the season.
"It's getting a lot better with treatment and everything, and I'm able to push off it like I want to," Iverson said. "Once it gets loose, I'm able to move around like I want to. I try to get to the basket."
Certainly returning home provided an immediate fix for the slumping Sixers. When they left for a 15-day, seven-game trip, they were in first place in the Atlantic Division; they returned four games back in the division race after a 2-5 mark.
"If we closed games out better, we'd have a lot more wins," Iverson said. "I honesty feel like we gave away eight games this season, games we should have won."
The Sonics have been just as bad, finishing 1-4 on a trip that saw them fire Bob Weiss and replace the coach with Bob Hill.
Hill promised a quicker pace and improvement on defense as ways to turn around Seattle's disappointing season.
Seattle's league-worst defense still needs work.
Iverson scored 40-plus points for the eighth time this season as he chases Kobe Bryant for the league scoring title. Iverson wasn't the only one getting open looks -- the Sixers shot 53 percent from the field, seven points higher than their average.
Chris Webber sat out with a lower back strain and was listed as day-to-day. Coach Maurice Cheeks was hopeful that rest would allow Webber to return for Wednesday's game against Utah.
Salmons started in Webber's place and hardly missed a beat on 7-for-9 shooting. Andre Iguodala had 16 points and Samuel Dalembert 11 to put all five starters in double digits.
"That's how you should play," Iverson said. "When you do share the ball, nine times out of 10, more positive results come of it."
Ray Allen led the Sonics with 27 points and Vladimir Radmanovic had 15 points and 12 rebounds.
The Sonics rallied from a 19-point deficit to pull within six late in the fourth quarter -- hardly surprising since only Seattle allows more points than the Sixers -- after 3-pointers by Allen and a couple of free throws from Rashard Lewis.
Korver, though, sank his fifth 3-pointer and Salmons added a 3 to get the lead back to nine. Stuck on 39 points for a while, Iverson sank two free throws to push him over 40 and give the Sixers a 106-95 lead.
"We took control of the game and shut them down," Dalembert said. "We controlled the tempo of the game and didn't really let them get back in."
Iverson scored nine points during a 19-5 run in the third quarter that gave the Sixers a 79-60 lead. Iverson usually drove through a lane that offered little resistance and little reason for the All-Star to resort to his usual banging and crashing all over the court.
Iverson went 6-for-8 in third for 18 points and the Sixers shot 68 percent in the quarter. Hill blamed fatigue from a long road trip for the Sonics going flat in the third.
"We played pretty well in the first half, then I'm sure our legs got tired," Hill said. "We wouldn't move and we weren't guarding. Away games are tough, but they have to find a way to fight fatigue. That was a winnable game."
With the easy looks, and a mid-range jumper that was on target, Iverson finished 15-for-25 from the floor and made 11 of 13 free throws.
Game notes
Korver hit a 3-pointer for the 26th straight game, the longest streak in the league. ... Sonics F Danny Fortson sat out with a sore left knee and C Vitaly Potapenko sat out with a lower back strain. ... Iverson was briefly shaken up when he was smacked in the face by Luke Ridnour while they went after a loose ball in the third quarter. ... Iverson has 67 career games with more than 40 points. ... The Sixers are 8-0 at home against the Western Conference.

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18 19 76ers 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最讚貼文
The NBA scoring champion took his show into the playoffs Sunday and overcame a bad case of pregame jitters.
"You got anything bigger than butterflies?" Allen Iverson asked, searching for the words to describe his anxiety. "I might have had a buzzard in my stomach."
Iverson scored 30 points Sunday in the first NBA playoff game of his career as the Philadelphia 76ers beat the Orlando Magic 104-90 in the opener of their best-of-5, first-round series.
Iverson said he slept poorly and woke up hourly, beginning at 5:30 a.m., in anticipation of the team's 9 a.m. breakfast. He's always nervous before a game, but said realizing a lifelong dream of appearing in the playoffs made Sunday especially gut-wrenching.
"I heard he got 15 minutes of sleep last night. That was 15 more than I expected," Philadelphia coach Larry Brown said, adding that the third-year pro's debut didn't surprise him.
"I think he handles situations like this pretty well," the coach added. "The only thing that I worry about is when he takes an individual challenge too much. I think he realizes now that he can just play."
Iverson, who said he actually got a lot more than 15 minutes of sleep, made 12 of 29 shots and finished with seven assists, five rebounds, two steals and six turnovers in 45 minutes.
When he wasn't the answer for the 76ers, Matt Geiger was. The center scored 12 of his 23 points in the fourth quarter and led an 11-0 run that Philadelphia used to pull away for good.
Geiger also had 10 rebounds, helping the 76ers compile a whopping 57-36 edge on the boards.
Iverson struggled after scoring 18 in the opening half, missing 10 of his first 13 shots in the second half. But he held his composure and provided the basket that gave Philadelphia the lead for good midway through the fourth quarter.
"I'm still excited," said Iverson, who at 6-feet became the smallest player in league history to win a scoring title, averaging 26.8 points. "I feel like I could play another 48 minutes. The crowd was against us, but it was great just playing in that kind of atmosphere."
Penny Hardaway led Orlando with 19 points, but only three came in the second half. Nick Anderson added 18 and rookie Michael Doleac had 11.
The Magic used four different defenders -- Anderson, Hardaway, Darrell Armstrong and Matt Harpring -- on Iverson, and none of them enjoyed much success.
When Orlando tried to double-team the scoring champion, Iverson did a good job of finding Geiger and other teammates. Magic coach Chuck Daly is not sure the Magic can do much different defensively against him in Game 2 Tuesday night.
"We've done about everything. And I think that regardless of what you do, he's going to get 25 points ... He's really a genius with the basketball," Daly said.
George Lynch had 15 points and 12 rebounds for the 76ers, who won two of three regular-season meetings against Orlando, which at 21-4 had the best home record in the Eastern Conference this year.
The Magic shot only 34 percent from the field in the first two quarters, yet trailed just 50-47 at the half because they outscored the 76ers 23-6 from the foul line while attempting 31 free throws to Philadelphia's 13.
In three regular-season games against Orlando, Iverson averaged nearly 23 points a game. The Magic held him to 16 points in one game and 14 in another, although cold shooting probably was as much of a factor as Orlando's defense.
The 76ers star set the tone early with 11 first-quarter points and two assists, including a lob to Larry Hughes that the Philadelphia rookie caught up to on the baseline for a highlight-reel dunk and a 31-22 lead.
The Magic stayed close by living on the foul line, particularly in the last 6:10 of the second quarter when they trimmed four points off Philadelphia's lead despite going scoreless from the field.
Anderson's 3-pointer tied the game early in the third quarter, and the Magic went ahead briefly before the 76ers settled down to lead 70-69 going into the final period.
"They just outhustled us, plain and simple, in our own building," said Hardaway, the Magic's four-time All-Star guard. "They came in and were more aggressive on the backboards than we were, and it showed."
Notes: Once one of the toughest places in the NBA to get a ticket, Orlando Arena was not filled for Sunday's game. Attendance was announced as 15,267 -- 1,981 shy of capacity. About 3,000 tickets were available 90 minutes before tipoff ... Although the 76ers are in the playoffs for the first time since 1991, eight of the 15 players on the team had postseason experience before Sunday. Rick Mahorn, who's in his 16th season, led the way with 101 games. The other seven -- Tyrone Hill, Eric Snow, Harvey Grant, Aaron McKie, George Lynch, Matt Geiger and Theo Ratliff -- had a combined 94 games of playoff experience ... Iverson won the scoring title despite shooting just .412 from the field -- the lowest mark by a scoring champion since George Mikan shot 40.7 percent in 1949-50.