「美國共和黨參議員格雷厄姆(Lindsey Graham)周二提交法案,建議授權美國總統在中國未能如實交代武漢肺炎疫情爆發前因後果之時,可對中國實施廣泛制裁,並要求釋放所有疫後被捕的香港泛民人士。」
Even causing a spiralling worldwide #CoronavirusPandemic, China has never leant a lesson from its coverups and opaqueness. Even the WHO Representative for China has criticized #Beijing for not being invited to join China’s #coronavirus investigation.
Besides, China now uses its economic clouts to stop people’s search for truth. Recently it blocked #Australia’s beef imports as a punishment to its call for independent coronavirus investigation.
Nothing is more politically hypocritical when China uses its global propaganda campaign to curtail any mentions of #Wuhan as the virus origin, but at the same time, hysterically rejects any calls for probes into origins of disease.
#Coronavirus has become a matter of life and death in every corner of the world. When China claims itself as a “responsible world power”, #CCP should shoulder its responsibility and be completely transparent, instead of merely taking benefits and burying truths.
When #China refuses to be an honest and accountable power, it carries significant implications for future cooperations with China - Can we still hold China to account if faults arise?
In the meantime, China has tightened its claws on #Hongkong and arrested more than 200 #hongkongprotesters and prominent pro-democracy figures over the past few weeks, when other countries are busy combating the virus. China's liaison office is paving the way for its direct control over #Hongkong by claiming itself above #1country2systems. #Beijing even calls #Hongkongprotesters as "virus" that must be eradicated. The city's autonomy is further in peril.
Therefore, I welcome US senator Lindsey Graham’s proposed "Covid-19 Accountability Act”, which authorizes sanctions if China keeps refusing to give a full account of truths leading to the outbreak.