AIT 青年領袖營來到第三天!來自東南亞和南亞13個國家以及台灣的學生們來到烏來泰雅民族博物館,學習如何保存原住民文化、組織團體如何協助發展當地社區,以及如何應對當地所面臨的挑戰;學生們也參與編織和農作等實務活動。到了下午時,學生們更進一步了解台灣的傳統藝術及文化保存的重要性。想看看學生們的作品嗎?別錯過明天的po文!#2019AITSEASATYouthCamp #AITYouthCamp
AIT Youth Camp continues for its third day with an outing to Wulai aboriginal village! Campers from Taiwan and 13 countries in Southeast Asia and South Asia visited to see how aboriginal culture is preserved and how organizations have helped develop local communities while addressing the area's challenges. They also took part in hands-on activities like weaving and agricultural practices. In the afternoon, campers were introduced to Taiwan’s traditional arts and the importance of cultural preservation. Stay tuned tomorrow to see how the students put together everything they've learned!
2019aitseasatyouthcamp 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文
昨天是2019 AIT 青年領袖營的第二天!學生們首先歡迎來自「卡内基音樂廳美國國家青年爵士樂團」(NYO Jazz)的年輕樂手,並互相討論台灣、美國及亞洲其他國家的青年文化。除此之外,學生們也從國際專家學習到媒體素養和人權議題的相關知識。AIT 青年領袖營是學生認識國際青年領袖、拓展國際關係視野,以及練習英文的絕佳機會!想知道更多關於青年領袖營的活動資訊嗎?請鎖定AIT臉書頁面!#2019AITSEASATYouthCamp #AITYouthCamp
Yesterday was the second day of the 2019 Youth Camp! Students started their day by welcoming American musicians from NYO Jazz and discussing teen culture in Taiwan, the U.S., and other countries in Asia. Campers also learned about media literacy and human rights issues from international experts. The camp has been an amazing opportunity for the campers to meet young international leaders, broaden their understanding of international relations, and practice their English. Interested in more camp activities? Follow us on Facebook!
2019aitseasatyouthcamp 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
2019 AIT 青年領袖營昨天開跑了!來自東南亞和南亞13個國家的60名大學生,將與台灣和美國的學生一起在台北展開為期四天的學習之旅。今年的青年領袖營聚焦於非傳統安全、環境保護、媒體素養和文化保存等議題。AIT很高興與臺灣亞洲交流基金會、外交部外交及國際事務學院,以及超過15位講者和美國政府交換學友共同合作。我們希望這個營隊能激發青年領袖,持續為社區服務,參與全球事務,並與世界連結!#2019AITSEASATYouthCamp #AITYouthCamp
The 2019 AIT-SEASAT Youth Camp started yesterday! Sixty university students from 13 countries in Southeast Asia and South Asia will join students from Taiwan and the United States to embark on a four-day learning journey in Taipei. The 2019 Youth Camp focuses on Non-Traditional Security, Environmental Protection, Media Literacy, and Cultural Preservation. AIT is pleased to work with the Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation, Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs, and more than 15 speakers and USG exchange alumni. We hope that the camp inspires these young leaders to continue to serve their communities, be engaged, and connect with the world!