【#帛琉 也驚奇之太陽能養魚🌞】
The president of the Republic of #Palau 🇵🇼, Tommy E. Remengesau, Jr., and his wife led a delegation to Taiwan recently on a state visit. They traveled to #Tainan to see how #Fisheries and #SolarPower generation are working in symbiosis and were amazed to watch giant groupers—weighing in at around 100 kilos—being fed! 😮
帛琉雷蒙傑索總統夫婦,前陣子來臺進行 #國是訪問,小編陪同他們來到了 #台南,參觀最新最潮最瞎趴的🤩 #漁電共生 設施,還親眼目睹了巨無霸 #龍膽石斑🐠🐠🐠 驚人餵食秀!一百公斤 #有夠大尾~ 國賓團接著也到了工業技術研究院南分院參觀 #太陽能光電板 🌻測試場域,只能說~ 台南真的是好看好玩好陽光!
Taiwan in Palau
#太陽 #能養魚 #那北風呢 🌬
#3張能碰4張能槓 🤣 #智慧方塊 🀄️