This is the first animated short film by the National Palace Museum on the subject of ancient Chinese bronzes. The film, beginning thousands of years ago, tells a futuristic story about space travelers on an adventure to solve a mystery, presenting in the process information on the appearance and production of Chinese bronze ritual vessels. Produced in high-quality 4K resolution, it not only features much 3D animation but also detailed filming of bronzes themselves and how one was actually made. Audiences can thereby witness various aspects of Chinese bronzes all in one short film.
3d animation process 在 MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Youtube 的最佳解答
Based on the story of [Dragon Quest V Hand of the Heavenly Bride], a new full 3D CG animation, [Dragon Quest Your Story] will be released on August 2, 2019.
To commemorate the occasion, we made a no-bake Slime-themed cheesecake, a perfect dessert for this family of Slime-lovers!
It's said that something like over 120-140 different kinds of Slimes that are said to exist!
That absent-minded face is so cute. Oh, by the way, we love Slimes, but we've never played Dragon Quest before...
*Recipe* (15 x 7 x H 6.5 cm pound cake)
Making The Slime Jelly
1.) You will make the jelly with a ratio of Milk 7: Powdered Gelatin 1: Syrup 3
First, mix the powdered gelatin into the milk and let is sit for a while.
Using a 600 w microwave, heat the milk for 30 seconds at low heat, then stir until the powdered gelatin is dissolved.
Add the syrup (which should now be at room temperature) to the mixture and stir.
Pour the mixture into a mold that is lightly coated in vegetable oil, then put it into the fridge for about an hour and a half to let it cool and harden.
The mold has a maximum capacity of 60 mL, so this time I ended up using 42 g of milk, 6 g of gelatin, and 18 g of syrup. Repeat this process twice.
Remove the Slimes from the mold, then lay them aside to decorate the cake.
Making the Rare Cheesecake
2.) Crush 6 biscuits (54 g) until fine.
3.) Press the ingredients from 3 into a mold after laying the mold onto an oven sheet.
4.) Sprinkle 6 g of powdered gelatin into 35 g of water, and allow the powder to soak into the water.
5.) Take 150 g of cream cheese and either let it sit until it is at room temperature, or heat it for around 30 seconds in the microwave until soft, then mix it in until the mixture is smooth.
6.) Put in 55 g of sugar, then mix.
7.) Add 150 g of fresh cream, then mix.
8.) Add 15 g of lemon juice, then mix.
9.) Heat the ingredients from Step 4 for around 30 seconds in a 600 w microwave, then lightly stir until the powder is completely dissolved.
10.) While stirring in the ingredients from 8 into 9, add them into the mixture. (The cheesecake will begin to harden if the temperature is too low, so it is helpful to work while using a water bath)
11.) Pour a thin layer of the mixture from 10 into the mold in step 3, then arrange the jellies, with the exception of the decoration jellies you made in Step 1.
12.) Pour all of the remaining ingredients from Step 8. (I left around 50 g)
13.) Drop onto a hard surface a few times to remove air bubbles and let flatten it out.
16.) Cool in the fridge for around an hour, and after the surface has solidified, lay down the jelly from Step 1.
17.) Dissolve 2 g of powdered gelatin in 90 g of boiling water.
18.) After it cools to body temperature, gently pour into 16. (There was 50 g of liquid gelatin remaining)
19.) Cool and allow it to solidify for 2 more hours in the fridge.
20.) Wrap in a steamed towel, and remove from the mold. The teflon-coated oven sheet we used this time was difficult to remove from the rare cheesecake, so we used a knife that we warmed in some boiling water and removed the moisture from in order to peel the cake from the sheet.
21.) Finished! You've made a rare cheesecake that tastes like blue Hawaiian milk jelly.
「ドラゴンクエストⅤ 天空の花嫁」のストーリーを原案にした
フル3DCGアニメーション『ドラゴンクエスト ユア・ストーリー』が、
*レシピ*(15✕7✕H6.5センチ パウンド型)
1.牛乳 7:粉ゼラチン 1:シロップ 3の割合でゼリーを作ります。
型が全容量 60mlだったので、今回 牛乳 42g、粉ゼラチン 6g、シロップ 18gで作りました。この作業を2回繰り返します。
2.ビスケット 6枚(54g)を細かく砕く。
4.水 35gに粉ゼラチン 6gをふり入れて、ふやかしておく。
5.室温戻すか、電子レンジで約30秒加熱してやわらかくしたクリームチーズ 150gをなめらかになるまで混ぜる。
6.砂糖 55gを入れ、混ぜる。
7.生クリーム 150gを加え、混ぜる。
8.レモン汁 15gを加え混ぜる。
17.お湯 90gに粉ゼラチン 2gを溶かす。
#ドラゴンクエスト #ユアストーリー #スライム #レアチーズケーキ #レシピ
3d animation process 在 Jessicababyfat Youtube 的精選貼文
Café de L'amour運用巴黎的建築樣貌來設計煮咖啡的機關,包含了兩隻木偶演出的愛情故事。在這個愛的旅程中,女孩遠渡重洋來到巴黎,首先體驗巴黎歌劇院的藝術饗宴,接著在地鐵中遇到了男孩,經過新藝術時期的地下鐵入口,兩人一同拜訪紅磨坊,到了聖心堂產生愛苗,經過拉維特公園,龐畢度,塞納河,在聖母院感情更加溫熱;繼續旅行巴黎鐵塔,羅浮宮,協和廣場,最後男孩求婚了,新人步入香榭大道,在大家的祝福下,男孩與女孩在完美的結局凱旋門許下終生。
This short film tells the love story of the owner of Café de L'amour,
through a cup of a romatic coffee,
a sweet love memory, and
fourteen sceneries in the romantic city Paris.
It is like that a sophisticated coffee making process
starts from the fine coffee beans to carefully grounded powder,
boiled water pouring through, and creamy foam adding on.
It is a sweet love story to enjoy the life,
and to love your love ones. [TSL, 2010]
Café de L'amour uses the structure of Paris to design the organization of coffee machine. It contains the love story between two carved wooden figures. In this love journey, the girl who traveled to Paris experienced the art cuisine of the Opéra national de Paris, and ran into the boy when passing Art Nouveau subway entrance. They visited the Moulin Rouge together and felt in love with each other when they reach Sacré Coeur Basilique du. Later, they went along to Parc de la Villette, Pompidou, Seine River and Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris. They love each other more and more. When they continue their journey to Eiffel Tower, Musée du Louvre, and Place de la Concorde, the boy made a proposal. The couple goes along Les Champs with the blessings from everyone. They commit their whole life to each other and end the journey happily up at Arc de Triomphe.
1.)2010Technology EXPO_Championship&The Most Popularity全國技專院校學生實務專題製作競賽暨成果展 第一名&最佳人氣獎
2.)2010reddot_reddot award
3.)2010 anim'est 5th anim'est International animation film festival
4.)2010Taipei County Film Festival Golden Lion International Student Film Competition_Offical Selection台北縣電影藝術節國際學生影展金獅獎入圍
6.)ASIAGRAPH 2010 in TOKYO CG Animation Theater _Excellent works
7.)2010第五届全国大学生原创动画大赛NACA 2010_優秀獎
8.)Digital Turku 2011_ Jury's Recommendation
10.)第33屆金穗獎_優等學生作品獎,個人單項 最佳動畫設計獎
11.)首爾動畫節(SICAF)學生項目比賽提名2011SICAF_official selection
13.) 2011亚洲青年动漫大赛_评委会奖(专业类)暨最佳作品奖
14.) iF concept award 2011
About me
蔡昀潔,1987年出生於台灣,畢業於台灣科技大學工商業設計系,目前就讀台灣科技大學-設計研究所-資訊設計組一年級,從7年前開始接觸設計,3年前開始接觸動畫及影片製作,成為最有興趣的設計項目,在我心目中影片能夠打動人心,不論在於動畫或電影,當中的動態表演、故事內容、技術、風格...這些都是能構成好作品的元素,學無止盡,愈是看到好作品就會更加勉勵自己要向前,而這些動力來源也是Café de L'amour的核心價值:享受人生,享受愛。
Yun-Chieh Tsai was born in 1987, Taiwan. I major in Industrial and Commercial Design Department at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. I entered the design field seven years ago and got involved with animation and film production in the last three years. It became the most interesting thing to me since then. I believe that films and animations are able to arouse people's sympathy and emotion. A good film is composed with several key components, such as the story content, rendering technique, style design...etc. I encourage myself that there is always something new worth learning. The more sophisticated works we see, the more inspired ideas come to us. These inspirations are indeed the core value of the movie Café de L'amour: Enjoy Life, Enjoy Love!
3d animation process 在 3D Animation Pipeline - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
There are good reasons for considering the design and planning process for the development of 3d animation. PRE-PRODUCTION (Planning and specification) 1. ... <看更多>