Birthday staycay for the 6-year-old. We had a lot of fun in the sun! Also enjoyed the many kid-friendly amenities and nice touches, like the tipi in our room and kids goodie bag (which was really filled with goodies!). Service was great too, something I really appreciate when staying at a hotel. We’ll definitely be back when Jude is bigger and can join Luke at the Splash Zone and indoor playground.
I also want to record down something the birthday boy said on the second evening of our stay. On our way back to the room after dinner, we took the lift up, stepped out, and saw the beautiful evening sun, perfectly round and in the loveliest shade of red orange. We stopped and quietly watched the sun set, and at the end of it, Luke said “A beautiful sunset on my birthday! Maybe this is God’s gift to me.” 💝
#6yearsold #birthdayboy #LukeLie #staycay #shangrilasingapore
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅Gutumdai,也在其Youtube影片中提到,รายการ เปิดหน้าหนัง ทุกวันจันทร์ เวลาบ่ายสองโมงตรง พบกับรายงานอันดับความน่าดูของภาพยนตร์เข้าใหม่ในแต่ละสัปดาห์ ที่คนอยากชมมากที่สุด จากการโหวตผ่าน htt...
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很久以前比較過新舊版,《滿池春色》La Piscine (1969, dir: Jacques Deray) 及《危情後樂園》A Bigger Splash (2015, dir: Luca Guadagnino)
我投舊版一票,光看Alain Delon 都足夠了吧。
//《危情後樂園》A Bigger Splash 改編自六十年代一本法國小說La Piscine (意思是The Swimming Pool)。其實這本小說已經是(至少)第三度被改編,早在1969年就曾被拍成同名電影La Piscine 《滿池春色》,到2003年Ozon 亦曾拍過另一版本The Swimming Pool 《泳池情殺案》。三個版本當中以Ozon 版跟其餘兩齣電影較大分別,電影只保留了少量設定/情節,如中年女人與年輕少女之間的tension、泳池及別墅(主場景)、愛慾與謀殺等,電影的發展卻不盡相同。特別是結尾疑幻疑真(究竟一切是確切發生過還是只是主角女作家筆下的故事),使電影的型式風格都完全是走另一條路(Ozon 好像有說過他是想把這個故事拍成一套有帶希治閣色彩的電影)。
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2015年,當傳奇編劇尚-克勞德.卡葉爾(Jean-Claude Carrière)榮獲了表彰其終身成就的奧斯卡榮譽獎時,他在台上致謝詞說道:「這座奧斯卡獎是頒給一個編劇的,我很高興。因為編劇經常遭到遺忘、或者忽略⋯⋯但編劇仍然是電影人。」
法國編劇、演員、導演尚-克勞德.卡葉爾(Jean-Claude Carrière)辭世,享壽89歲。他的編劇作品包括《中產階級拘謹的魅力 The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie》(1972)、《錫鼓 The Tin Drum》(1979)、《布拉格的春天 The Unbearable Lightness of Being》(1988)、《大鼻子情聖 Cyrano de Bergerac》(1990)、《梵谷:在永恆之門 At Eternity's Gate》(2018)等作。
1957年,他的第一本小說《Lézard》問世,隨後他被介紹給了名導賈克.大地(Jacques Tati),他請卡葉爾為他的電影撰寫短篇小說。也因此緣故,他認識了皮耶.艾特克斯(Pierre Étaix),兩人開始了密切的合作,包括劇情長片《宅男101次求婚 The Suitor》 (1962)與榮獲奧斯卡最佳實景短片獎的《Happy Anniversary》 (1962)。
卡葉爾也在這個時期開始與其她歐洲導演建立固定合作關係,除了米洛斯.福曼(Miloš Forman),他與以超現實主義著稱的西班牙名導布紐爾(Luis Buñuel)的合作尤其著名。布紐爾後期所有作品皆與之合作,包括《女僕日記 Diary of a Chambermaid》(1964)、《中產階級拘謹的魅力》、 《朦朧的欲望 That Obscure Object of Desire》(1977)等作。
除了編劇,他甚至也參與布紐爾之作的演出,在《銀河 The Milky Way》(1969)等片也都能見到卡葉爾的身影。也因為受到布紐爾影響,卡葉爾也曾在這個時期執導過一部名叫《The Nail Clippers》(1969)的奇想短片,描述一個男人想剪指甲卻找不到指甲剪,直至所有行李連帶他的太太逐一消失的故事,該片一舉摘得坎城影展短片競賽的評審團大獎殊榮。
《The Nail Clippers》全片連結
七〇年代末期,在布紐爾引退之後,卡葉爾投入了鈞特.葛拉斯(Gunter Grass)之作《錫鼓》的改編,故事以一個侏儒的視角回望納粹時代。德國導演施隆多夫(Volker Schlöndorff)將之搬上大銀幕,榮獲坎城金棕櫚獎殊榮。後來他又為施隆多夫撰寫了四部電影劇本。
八〇年代起,卡葉爾亦曾與波蘭名導華依達(Andrzej Wajda)合作《丹頓事件 Danton》(1983)。改編自米蘭.昆德拉(Milan Kundera)之作、以1968年的布拉格之春為背景的《布拉格的春天》則為他第三度提名奧斯卡最佳改編劇本獎。
九〇年代起,由卡葉爾編劇的《大鼻子情聖》廣受好評,獲得英國金像獎最佳改編劇本提名。進入21世紀之後,卡葉爾的作品依然產量頗豐,並切深具影響力,作品包括《靈異緣未了 Birth》(2004)、《哥雅畫作下的女孩 Goya's Ghosts》(2006)、《池畔謎情 A Bigger Splash》(2015)。
2015年,卡葉爾榮獲了奧斯卡榮譽獎,但他的工作顯然沒有喊停,之後又陸續有《梵谷:在永恆之門》、《是日戀人 Lover for a Day》(2017)、《愛情零極限 A Faithful Man》(2018)、《The Salt of Tears》(2020)等作品問世。
2021年2月8日,尚-克勞德.卡葉爾於法國巴黎因自然原因辭世。他的遺作包括路易.卡瑞(Louis Garrel)執導的《La croisade》,皆在後期製作中。作為20世紀最偉大的編劇之一,卡葉爾留給後世編劇的箴言是:「成為編劇最好的方式,就是謙卑地加入電影的製作。編劇的工作不僅僅是寫一部電影,也得懂得所有技術面,包括聲音、畫面、剪輯。他的工作、功能,是尋找新的想法。」
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รายการ เปิดหน้าหนัง ทุกวันจันทร์ เวลาบ่ายสองโมงตรง พบกับรายงานอันดับความน่าดูของภาพยนตร์เข้าใหม่ในแต่ละสัปดาห์ ที่คนอยากชมมากที่สุด จากการโหวตผ่าน
สำหรับภาพยนตร์ที่เข้าฉายในวันที่ 12 พฤษภาคม 2016 ได้แก่
- The Angry Birds Movie
- อ้อมกอดเขมราฐ
- Equals
- Embrace of the Serpent
- A Bigger Splash
- The Bodyguard
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Hello my easy cheesy lemon squeezy pies!
☆ New videos every Wednesday & Friday at Japan time 9pm!
→ venusp
→ @manasenpai
I'm gonna show you my minimal makeup for school!
A young face shouldn't be caked in makeup, so we're going to skip an all over foundation, and use the basics to make your face prettier, without letting people notice that you're actually wearing makeup.
Now, let's start and take the first step!
Toning your face: The best toner for any skin type would be a splash of cold water.
I personally splash my face with cold water, 5 times, right after waking up!
It minimizes the pores and gives you a smoother skin texture. Beside that, it also refreshes your mind!
Let's moisturise our face. As for a moisturiser or base, you could also use, like me, a peach smelling sunscreen with a Sun protection factor of 50, in a pink bottle! I usually warm the lotion up between my fingers and then press it into my skin.
This right now, is a really important step! Otherwise your makeup will be kind of flaky.
Moisturiser helps keeping the texture of your makeup even and smooth.
Sun protection can be used during all seasons to protect yourself from UV rays and avoid premature aging.
Usually my bangs are getting in the way, that's why use Japanese hair styling patches to take my hair back! They are really handy and easy to store...and of course - pink!
Use a corrector in your skin tone to cover dark circles. Apply the product close to your lash line,looking upwards helps now. And blend on all dark areas of your eye. Don't forget the inner eye corner.
Cover blemishes and the reddish areas around your nose and chin with the corrector. Concealers are definitely a no-go for covering blemishes, as they are yellow toned and it will look awkward. Correctors are pink toned and they brighten your face.
Apply concealer over the corrector to lighten the dark are under your eye. Blend by pressing the concealer in the skin with your fingers. I prefer using my finger instead of a sponge, as I find that the warmth the finger contains help blending the product.
Then, set the concealer and corrector under your eye with powder. Also powder your eyelids.
Your forehead might be shiny, so apply a bit of powder there, too.
I'm using one of those handy eyebrow pencils, which include an eyebrow brush on their cover.
Just draw along the shape of your eyebrows with the pencil, as if you were drawing. Then get the brush and set the small hairs in their position. Well groomed eyebrows have a large effect on your eyes.
Mascara is a basic in every minimal makeup, but for school, one coat should be enough to make your eyes look brighter and bigger.
Avoid using lipstick, but use sheer lipgloss with a soft, natural colour like this orange here. Neither use strong colours if you wear braces, or else you will draw too much attention on them, so take care!
I usually leave my hair open and twist on both sides a strand of hair in and fix it with a bobby pin, but not with a black one, I use a white one so it doesn't stand out in my fair hair.
I recommend wearing transparent nail polish for school as it looks really nice and strengthens your nails. A simple base coat and a top coat should do it.
I hope that I helped you with this information!
Thank you for watching and see you in my next video!
Music by Kevin MacLeod; "Last Kiss Goodnight" and "Prelude in C".

a bigger splash 在 9 A bigger splash costimography ideas - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
Aug 18, 2017 - Explore Ines J's board "A bigger splash costimography" on Pinterest. See more ideas about tilda swinton, splash, splash movie. ... <看更多>