✨✨Blissful Green Afternoon Tea✨✨
疫情終於退卻下來,我們同學會的坡坡同學終於可以歸隊。只可惜我這個五月大部分的free time都要貢獻給裱花課堂,完全動彈不得。
去不了studio研究新食譜,倒不如趁機在平日相約同學會的眾人外出吃吃喝喝,放鬆一下繃緊的神經。略略看過這幾個月的各款 special afternoon tea set,比較吸引我的有兩間,於是這個星期分別約了兩組朋友去嘗嘗鮮。
選擇和同學會一起來Kowloon Shangri-La的原因,是因為我們幾個都是抹茶控,剛巧這個Blissful Green tea set的主題是水果和抹茶;這個而且其中一位成員是Sabon的粉絲,這個tea set贈送的Sabon Jasmine body wash和lotion禮物,實在非常適合她。於是毫無懸念,找個平日的悠閑下午,一起過來快樂相聚。
不過,出來用餐只有環境優美還是不行的,食物絕對是重點。在我以前的舊印象中,只計甜點質素的話,Island Shangri-La比Kowloon領先很多,如果不是這兒的午茶主題深深擊中我的話,我也未必過來。沒想到久沒到訪,今次午茶的甜點竟然是意料之外的高質素,而且吃得出每件作品都工序繁複,味道配搭層次分明,實在是坊間少有的超誠意之作。也許是怕吃午茶甜點太多,味蕾會太膩而麻木,浪費了pastry team的一番心血,三層架外另外加了一層水果拼盤,讓大家都吃得很舒服。
就連午茶必備的配角scone,這裏也沒有馬虎了事。店員拿過來的時候都是熱騰騰的,我們快樂地拍照好久才拿起來吃,鬆餅依然有熱度。而且口感鬆而不乾硬,塗上經典的clotted cream和草莓醬,已然成為其中一道美味甜點。
有趣的是,這裏的枱子旁邊很多都有個巨型bird cage裝飾。坐下時我也沒有為意,當午茶點心過來時,店員將點心徐徐放在鳥籠內,立即成為一道超漂亮的拍照風景。原來這個鳥籠,是他們精心設計的打卡熱點,坐在旁邊隨意一拍,就是美照。
🌿Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong
🐿jan's cake shop
同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過40萬的網紅糖餃子Sweet Dumpling,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make a classic French dessert: Financier (Financier aux Amandes). The chef Thomas Keller wr...
「afternoon tea set 食譜」的推薦目錄:
- 關於afternoon tea set 食譜 在 Starry Starry Tearoom Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於afternoon tea set 食譜 在 余媽媽手記 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於afternoon tea set 食譜 在 雷囡媽媽 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於afternoon tea set 食譜 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於afternoon tea set 食譜 在 有啖好食 Perfect Continuous Eat Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於afternoon tea set 食譜 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最佳解答
afternoon tea set 食譜 在 余媽媽手記 Facebook 的最讚貼文
‼ #性價比高的【Afternoon high tea set】🥂🍰
#抵食又美味 #環境舒適 #令人回味😋😋😋
💥💥 #兩日一夜親子愉景灣之旅【Part 4】👨👩👧
真心講,今次愉景灣呢個trip美中不足的是encore唔到呢個 ‼性價比高 嘅 ‼Afternoon high tea set, 實在有點可惜🥺🥺🥺 因為呢個三層架high tea set 係在愉景灣酒店【酒吧】那邊供應,我地去嘅時候,酒吧仍在停業,希望下次可以食到啦🥺🥺
👉搵番去年11月我地去食tea嘅相片俾大家參考📍 #資料可以袋住先🌟如果大家第日去開呢度玩,而酒吧又有營業的話,不妨去試試😍😍
🌟🌟呢個三層架high tea好抵食,$288 兩位用 (另加一收費),食物質素也不錯,絕對對得起過價錢,咸甜點各有特色😍😍令人回味😘😘
💗 #甜點
💗 #咸點
✅Parma ham,肉質軟滑,甘甜芳香
✅high tea set 仲包兩杯sparkling wine,好多泡泡好夠氣,入口fruity
⚠️high tea set詳細餐牌已放在留言處,大家可以去睇吓💗
👉小朋友最誠實,余小b本身話好飽,但見到呢set high tea set就馬上發功,1人獨吞超過一半,真過份😑😑😑頭先邊個話好飽㗎?🤣🤣🤣不過食得是福,就俾佢食多啲啦😆😆
📍餐廳: The Bounty Entertainment & Sports Bar
‼其實香港仲有好多好靚又好玩嘅地方😍如果大家喜歡我嘅分享,請俾個Like 我個page支持吓呀💕等我繼續有動力分享更多📍#好去處 啊😆
‼密切留意 @余媽媽手記 FB Page 嘅更新呀😆😆 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣1️⃣年會有更多💥親子好去處💥和💥食譜💥分享喔🥰🥰
#純自費 #非廣告 #親子好去處 #假日好去處 #余媽媽手記 #staycation #hightea #foodie
‼📍#環球廚具家電大激安 #好抵買 #附掃貨攻略🌟🌟🌟
▶️ https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=4561821650500389&id=887744237908167
⚠️⚠️⚠️‼ #超值 #兩日一夜親子愉景灣之旅【Part 1】#staycation⛱👨👩👧 #酒店住宿篇
▶️ https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=4517873834895171&id=887744237908167
⚠️⚠️⚠️‼#兩日一夜親子愉景灣之旅【Part 2】#飲飲食食 🤘🤘努力寫續集💗💗💗
▶️ https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=4523626254319929&id=887744237908167
⚠️⚠️⚠️‼ #勁多打卡位 #可以影餐飽喇📷
💥💥#兩日一夜親子愉景灣之旅【Part 3】👨👩👧
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#期間限定 #角落小夥伴下午茶
#角落生物Tea 想唔想知邊度有得食?
今次呢個期間限定嘅 #角落小夥伴Afternoon Tea , 絕對係超超超超超豐富!
Tea Set包括 :
超可愛造型,多款特色口味。有乳酪雪條啦、牛奶冰冰、另外仲可以揀 鮮果汁冰棒、布甸冰冰。想點都得,好味又健康!
細細粒嘅立體小顆伴小蛋糕,大大隻嘅白熊pancake, 連場境屋仔都有埋,食得又玩得!
睇個樣係咪呃到下人先? 仲要超簡單呀!
#角落小夥伴DIY套裝 整,每套有齊所需工具、模具、模板。 我呢個毫無藝術天分,手殘媽媽都整得似模似樣啦!
材料呢? 因為想俾雷囡自己都做到,我就用左最簡單嘅做法。
雪條就更簡單啦,乳酪、果汁、牛奶想整乜就整乜。yummy 😋
哈哈哈! 玩具反斗城及各大玩具店有售🤣🤣
#精美限量下午茶 #超夢幻 #勁呃like
#係角落小夥伴呀! #唔係角落生物呀!
afternoon tea set 食譜 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最讚貼文
Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make a classic French dessert: Financier (Financier aux Amandes).
The chef Thomas Keller wrote "they are my favorite of the classic petit-four cakes". Also, financiers are one of my favorite French bakery treats. They're buttery, moist, nutty and delicious. This delicate cake doesn't need any fancy ingredients, and super easy to make, they are perfect for afternoon tea or a party finger dessert. It’s our must-try french cake. Enjoy. :)
📍 Please follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sweetdumplingofficial/
📍 Welcome to follow me on FB: https://www.facebook.com/sweet.dumpling.studio
This is an #ASMR ver, you can check out the other version that with BGM and Voices in Chinese if you like:
How to make Classic French Financier
Classic French Financier Recipe
☞ we use 6 cavity mold, each cavity size: 8 x 4.5 x 2cm
✎ Ingredients
powdered sugar 70g
almond flour 30g
walnut 10g
egg white 80g (about 2 large eggs)
all purpose flour 20g
baking powder 0.5g (a pinch)
brown butter/beurre noisette 42g (need about 60g unsalted butter)
honey 6g
✎ Instructions
1. Butter the pan, and chill in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes.
2. Grind the walnuts in a food processor, pulse until the nuts are as finely ground, be careful not to grind them to paste.
3. Separate the eggs and weigh 80g of egg white.
4. To make the brown butter. Add 60g of unsalted butter in a small saucepan over medium low heat for minutes until the milk solids have sunk to the bottom and have begun to turn light brown. Once the color begins to turn amber color, remove from heat.
5. Pour the brown butter through a strainer, and weight 42g of butter, set aside and keep warm.
6. In a large bowl, sift the powdered sugar, then sift the flour, almond flour and baking powder.
7. Add grind walnut with all dry ingredients, mix well.
8. Add honey and egg white, whisk until combined.
9. Pour the very warm brown butter, whisk together until the butter is incorporated and the batter is smooth
10. Pour the batter into the pans, filling them about 2/3.
11. Preheat the oven to 200°C,bake for 13-14 minutes or until the tops and the edges are golden brown.
12. Once baked, cool the financiers for minutes, and then turn them onto a wire rack to cool completely.
00:00 Opening
00:37 Ingredients
01:24 Preparation
04:28 Make Brown butter(beurre noisette)
06:33 Financier Batter
10:01 Baking
10:14 let cool and taste

afternoon tea set 食譜 在 有啖好食 Perfect Continuous Eat Youtube 的精選貼文
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afternoon tea set 食譜 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最佳解答
Hello everyone! Today we'll share with you how to make one of our favorite cookies: French Sablé Jam Cookies. (Sablés à la Confiture)
This sablés cookie is a must try Holiday Season.
French sablés dough makes wonderful tart shells or cookies, and is a versatile pastry staple. Make for cookies, the taste is like shortbread biscuits, the texture is delicate, crumbly, buttery and tender. This recipe’s idea is from Le Cordon Bleu, but we’ve made some adjustments.
To make these dedicated jam-filled cookies, you need to prepare two sizes of cutters. Big one and small one, in this video we use a 6cm scalloped round cutter with a 2cm hearty cutter, you can use any shape of cutter as you like. In addition to jam, It's perfect to hold soft fillings like pastry cream or chocolate ganache. Hope you this video. Enjoy. : )
This is an #ASMR ver, you can check out the other version that with BGM and Voices in Chinese if you like:
How to make French Sablé Jam Cookies Recipe
Sablés à la Confiture Recipe
Yields: 10 sets
Tools:Φ 6cm scalloped round or round cutter, and a Φ 2cm cutter
✎ Ingredients
☞ For pâte sablée / cookies dough
all purpose flour 100g
unsalted butter 60g, roughly cut into chunks
powdered sugar 30g
almond flour 13g
a pinch of salt
half an small egg or 20g, can whisk the egg and measure out 20g
☞ For filling
jam 80g
** powdered sugar O.P. for garnish
☞ For the dough
1. Whisk the egg and measure out 20g of the mixture, it's what we need.
2. Sieve the flour, powdered sugar, almond flour and a pinch of salt together and add into a large mixing bowl. Stir to combine.
3. Add the cubed butter, mix all ingredients using your fingers and palm of your hands to create a coarse sandy texture.
4. Add the egg and mix until all come together, then fold the dough and push it gently with your hand, repeat again and again until the surface is smooth.
5. Transfer the dough onto a baking paper and cover with another one, roll out to 3mm thickness and freeze for 1 hour.
6. Cut dough into desired shapes, then cut a small hole in the middle of 1/2 cookies for filling the jam. We use a 6cm scalloped round cutter and a 2cm heart cutter, you can use the cutter you have or you like.
7. Preheat the oven to 160C, bake for 12~14 minutes or until golden and cooked through. The baking time depends on the size of cookies. Let't cool on a wire rack.
☞ For the filling
1. Heat the jam in a small saucepan until the texture becomes liquidy. Turn off the heat and let cool.
☞ For assembling
1. Dust the cookie with a hole with powdered sugar evenly.
2. Spread a layer of jam on the bottom sable biscuits, but not too thick, using a teaspoon to place a small dollop of jam onto it. Finally, cover a cookie with a hole to close off the cookie sandwich. Set aside for minutes to let the jam dry a little. Enjoy.