我覺得這樣很好的事,讓一些不理解精神病的人知道,我也會大笑、喝酒、party 、約會,這樣的人她也是有憂鬱症,我也發現以這種角度切入,可以讓一個精神疾病患者更被體諒,有種「我和你幾乎一樣,但就是多了一部分與你不同的思緒,那你還愛我嗎?」
有趣的是,每當我把發病的所見所聞記下,我的絕望、思想、期待寫下,都會遇到被徹文事件,於是我更加確定 #精神疾病去污名化 的必要,因為就是有人不願相信,世界上有一個族群正只能以這種觀點看待事情;就是有人把精神疾病視為不好被談論,才會讓這個族群感到如此孤單。
april敬上 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最佳解答
【本校防疫訊息〜中央流行疫情指揮中心公布新增本土案例 – #5月1日更新內容】
NTU COVID-19 Prevention Message—CECC Confirms Three New Indigenous Cases – May 1 #Update
(1) #4月15日後曾進出諾富特華航桃園機場飯店的教職員工生,#皆應自主健康管理14天,#並請立即通報防疫聯絡人及保健中心。#自主健康管理期間,#不要進入校內館舍及教室,#也不要參與校內外活動。
(2) 與案1120、案1127、案1128 及 #案1129 公共場所活動史有接觸的教職員工生,如果出現症狀,即不應到校上班上課,應立即就醫採檢,並請立即通報防疫聯絡人及保健中心。
(3) 具上述接觸史的教職員工生,如果沒有症狀,可以正常到校上班上課,但外出應全程配戴醫用口罩(包括進入校園、進入學校館舍、共用之辦公室内),進行自我健康監測至 5/9(案1120 接觸者)、5/10(#案1129接觸者)或 5/12 (案1127、案1128 接觸者)。
國立臺灣大學防疫小組 敬上
Dear NTU students and colleagues,
The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) has just released the travel history of quarantine hotel employees tested positive for COVID-19. In response to this, the University is asking all of its students and colleagues to check if they have ever participated in activities at the listed locations and times.
(1) Those who have been to Novotel Taipei Taoyuan International Airport after April 15 should carry out self-health management for 14 days, and immediately notify the pandemic prevention contact person(s) and NTU Health Center. Those under self-health management must refrain from entering NTU premises and classrooms or participating in events on and off the university campus.
(2) For those who are among the contacts of Case # 1120, Case # 1127, Case # 1128 and Case#1129 in public places and have suspected symptoms, please refrain from entering the University to attend or teach classes, immediately seek medical attention for COVID-19 testing, and immediately notify the pandemic prevention contact person(s) and NTU Health Center.
(3) Those who fit the above description but do not suffer from any symptoms can still attend or teach classes as usual. Please be advised to wear a medical mask at all times when in public places (e.g. the NTU campus, premises, or shared office spaces). Please also carry out self-health monitoring until May 9 (contacts of Case #1120) , May 10(contacts of Case#1129) or May 12 (contacts of Cases #1127 and 1128).
Sincerely yours,
NTU Epidemic Prevention Team
april敬上 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最佳解答
NTU COVID-19 Prevention Message—Pandemic Prevention Measures Following Release of Travel History of an Airline Pilot Tested Positive in Australia
若有,應按照衛福部要求進行自主健康管理14日,期間不得到校上班上課。且若於 4/30前 (台北清真寺)或 5/3前(桃園)出現發燒、上呼吸道、腹瀉、嗅味覺異常等症狀,請配戴醫用口罩,儘速至就近社區採檢院所就醫,不得搭乘大眾運輸工具。
國立臺灣大學防疫小組 敬上
Dear NTU students and colleagues,
The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) has released the travel history of an airline pilot following a report issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) that the said pilot had tested positive for COVID-19 in Australia and whose contacts in Taiwan had also tested positive. NTU students and colleagues are advised to check if they have ever engaged in activities at the specified locations and times.
For those who have, please carry out the 14-day self-health management as requested by the MOHW and refrain from entering the university campus to attend or teach classes. If you are suffering from the following symptoms such as fever, respiratory complications, diarrhea, and abnormality of smell and taste before April 30 (Taipei Grand Mosque) or May 3 (Taoyuan), please wear a medical mask at all times, immediately seek medical attention at a nearby hospital for COVID-19 testing, and avoid taking public transportation.
Last but not least, should there be students or colleagues that fit the above description, the pandemic prevention contact person(s) in each academic or administrative office must file a report via the “Campus Health Management Reporting System” at the NTU Website for Disease Control. While filing a report, please scroll down the “Reporting type” and select “Airline pilot infection incident” (selection preset).
Sincerely yours,
NTU Epidemic Prevention Team
april敬上 在 從懷疑到敬拜Cantonese Sermon April 19, 2020 多浸主日信息 的推薦與評價

信息:【從懷疑到敬拜】經文:約翰福音20:24-31證道:陳琛儀牧師金句:約翰福音20:28-29多馬說:『我的主!我的神!』耶穌對他說:『你因看見了我才 ... ... <看更多>
april敬上 在 April. Your Online Tutor - Facebook 的推薦與評價
April. Your Online Tutor. 203 likes. Hi 您好,我是April。目前旅居埃及、為full-time 線上英文家教,在自己的個人網站裡授已近3 年時間。期待和您在課堂上見面。 ... <看更多>