When you enter our THIRD @baumhaus_hk centre tomorrow, you will see a polished space— designed by my amazing husband from top to bottom, with every single detail for our clients. What you won’t see? That for the past 14 days— when all workers clocked out— Carsten, our friend Bettina, our contractor Gary, and I would stay until midnight... Every. Single. Day. To hammer the floorboards. To lay out the acoustic panels. To paint the walls. And to personally build the sprung floors in the dance room. Because this is truly a reflection of our work and heart. This is what #entrepreneurship and #passion have come to mean for us.
Excuse me while I pop a bottle of champagne.
#baumhausHK #baumhaus #baumhausannex #InfantToddler #CreativeArts #BaumhausMOVE #BaumhausSPEAK #BaumhausFIT #PerformingArts #CriselConsunji #YoungChild